Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Alternative Power Solutions Essay - 2517 Words

Alternative Power Solutions Our society has become reliant upon technology and continues to increase with time. Computers and many other electronic devices are used in the houses and educational applications. These technologies depend on the energy companies to function. The quality of power that the consumer receives is determined by the area that they live. There are many different ways that these companies go about providing energy. The largest form of energy in the United States is coal. Coal is a general term for a wide variety of solid materials that are high in carbon content. Most coal is burned by electric utility companies to produce steam to turn their generators. Some coal also is used in factories to provide heat†¦show more content†¦Nuclear power is a very cost-effective form of energy but has many safety concerns involved with this form of energy. The by-product of this reaction is very radioactive and highly dangerous to the public. â€Å"Radioactive materials emit penetrating, ionizing radiation that can injure living tissues.†(Nuclear Energy). The government has not yet found a suitable way of dealing with this waste. The only way to store this waste is in large containers deep underneath the ground that are monitored. â€Å"Many nuclear wastes remain radioactive for thousands of years, beyond the span of any human institution.†(Nuclear Energy). There was an incident in America in the 1970’s near Harrisburg PA wher e a plant emitted radioactive particles into the air due to a partial melt down. Due to public complaints about the hazards of the plants they have ceased to build any other plants. The probabilities of a catastrophe to happen is very low but the amount of damage it could produce would be great. Therefore the government does not invest in the further research of this energy source. Geothermal energy is another way to produce electricity. Geothermal Energy is naturally occurring renewable source of thermal energy. Thermal energy within the earth approaches the surface in many different geological formations: volcanic eruptions, geysers, fumaroles, and mud pots. Generating electric power from geothermal resourcesShow MoreRelatedSustainable Environment; Engineering Solutions Essay1303 Words   |  6 Pages(factories and power stations) at 36% and on-road transportation at 26%. Currently, the number of vehicles on roads is constantly rising, leading to producing more pollutants. The most common pollutants in transportation are nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulpher dioxide, hydrocarbons and particulate matters. This essay will examine the impacts on human health, the environment, and even the economy that have resulted from these pollutants. It will then evaluate some of the solutions that have beenRead More Solutions to Global Warming Essay example597 Words   |  3 PagesSolutions to Global Warming Scientists report that global warming has been escalating since the Industrial Revolution. Governments are trying to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions. With the speed of destruction of Earth?fs ecosystem, the survival of many species, including human beings, is threatened. In order to solve this danger, we have to reduce the consumption of energy and use the alternative energy resources. If we calculate the present energy price, alternative energy must be more expensiveRead MoreThe Worlds Reliance on Fossil Fuels Essay1371 Words   |  6 Pagesmay or may not need. Many of these goods created take crude oil to produce. The world needs to change its habits to sustain time in the creation of new alternatives to fossil fuels. In my research I found that crude oil or petroleum will only last approximately thirty to forty more years. That means that the clock is ticking and we must find a solution to this major question facing our world. How will the world function without crude oil? I bel ieve our driving habits, consumption of goods, technologicalRead MoreEssay Case 11-31133 Words   |  5 Pages TABLE OF CONTENTS Statement of facts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 3 Question 1†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 Solution†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 Question 2†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......................... 6 Solution†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 6 Question 3†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 7 Alternatives†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 Solution†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 STATEMENT OF FACTS Saturn and Venus, form Jupiter, a joint venture. SaturnRead MoreSalary Negotiation in Job Interview949 Words   |  4 Pagesoptimal solution Decision making process is not just a psychological process as perceived by many but more of a game theory because both the bidder and the negotiator are faced by various constraints, which both have to develop a model with both constraints and targets and later iterate to obtain an optimum solution Here, again, BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) comes into play; both parties must go for a sacrifice. None gets exactly what he wants but goes for a better alternative. TheRead MoreNuclear Energy Is Not the Answer1093 Words   |  4 Pagesand more important to find a solution. In the midst of a polluted world, what we need is a powerful, sustainable, and clean energy source. Solar power, wind power, geothermal heating/cooling, biomass burning, and hydro-electric turbines all seem like good solutions. At first glance, nuclear power does too. Its powerful, sustainable, and will last a long time right? However, if you take a closer look, and you can see that nuclear energy is not the answer. Nuclear power is not safe. An accident isRead MoreSolar : An Alternative Energy Source868 Words   |  4 PagesTitle: Solar as an Alternative Energy Source Meta Tags: alternative energy, benefits of alternative energy, alternative energy sources, alternative sources of energy, alternative energy companies Meta Description: Save money and examine the positive impact of using the sun s rays as an alternative source of energy. With the availability of coal, oil and natural gas more limited every day, many people are turning to the oldest and most abundant source of power on Earth -- the sun. Solar energyRead MoreRitz Carlton Case Study1450 Words   |  6 Pages Table of Contents 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Issue Identification 3 1.3 Solution 4 Reduced Price 4 Increasing Price 5 1.4 Solution 6 1.5 Execution to the Solution 6 1.5.1 Processes 7 Cost Implication of extended training period (14 days) 7 1.5.2 Reallocated Budget 7 1.6 Conclusion 9 1.1 Introduction Mr. James McBride is underRead MoreHow Management Is A Type Of Process1398 Words   |  6 Pagescombination of argument and bargaining between two or more opposing sides, but typically either side try to find a mutual agreement, or solution, to satisfy a win-win situation. Negotiations can further be broken down into key elements that compose its process as well as ten (10) best practices for negotiators to hone their skills, specifically identify and work the best alternative to a negotiated agreement, or BATNA. Several characteristics, or key elements, compose the process of negotiations. InitiallyRead MoreAlternative Dispute Resolution And The Different Types Of It898 Words   |  4 PagesIn this essay I will address what alternative dispute resolution is and the different types of it. ADR stands for Alternative dispute resolution is something that provides an alternative way of settling civil disputes than the traditional way using the courts. The main forms of Alternative dispute resolution are being arbitration, adjudication mediation and conciliation, however in the United Kingdom the most commonly used alternative dispute resolutions are arbitration and mediation but adjudication

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave

â€Å"If there is no struggle, there is no progress.† This famous quote is from a speech given by one of America’s most influential abolitionist speakers, Frederick Douglass. Born into slavery, this great American leader led a life many of us would find impossible to bear. After gaining his freedom from slavery, Douglass shared his stories through impressive speeches and vivid autobiographies, which helped America move forward as a country liberated from racial inequality. Although Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave allows readers to understand what life was like for slaves in antebellum America, the most important and relevant lesson to take away from this narrative today is the importance of perseverance. Douglass’s courage to resist and learn paired with his determination to keep his faith and ultimately find himself, is something to which people from every culture and time period can relate. One of the most important examples of pe rseverance in Douglass’s Narrative is his constant thirst for knowledge. The great impact learning had upon Douglass is inarguable. When his master Anthony takes him to Baltimore, he is introduced to Mrs. Auld who begins teaching him letters and small words (Douglass 250). Once Mr. Auld finds out, he warns the woman of the dangers of this kindness and forbids her from continuing these lessons (Douglass 250). Douglass’s hearing of this stirs within him his most important revelation. He tells readers, â€Å"From that moment, IShow MoreRelatedThe Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1078 Words   |  5 PagesLife of Slaves Up until the late 1800s, people were legally able to own slaves. Slaves are people that are the property of another and are forced to follow their owner s commands. Slaves were treated like dogs, had no freedom and were abused. Frederick Douglass played a huge role in the human rights in the 19th century trying to end slavery. Also, he wrote a narrative called, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, which goes into detail of his day to day life as a slaveRead MoreThe Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1917 Words   |  8 PagesThe United States, 1492 - 1865 06 April 2015 Humanization of Slaves (?) For a large portion of the United States history, slavery was legal and prominent in Southern society. Slaves working on plantations were the main proponent of Southern American economy. Slaves working in the United States during this time, especially those working on plantations in the South, suffered through horrible living and work conditions and punishment. Slaves were forced under duress to work for long hours, and were whippedRead MoreThe Life Of Frederick Douglass An American Slave983 Words   |  4 Pages The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave, is an incredible story of one man’s struggle to become free from the bonds of slavery. While experiencing his hardships and celebrate his triumphs along the way, the story saddens you with the cruelty of humans but leaves you joyous at the outcome. Written as proof that a well-educated black man was indeed a slave and that even with a life riddled with trials and tribulations you can rise above and su cceeded in obtaining your dreamRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1251 Words   |  6 PagesJustine Boonstra Frey- Period 1 MAJOR WORKS REVIEW AP Lang Version GENERAL 1. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. 1845. New York: Fine, 2003. Print. 2. Autobiography STRUCTURE 1. Point of View: First Person, the narrator Frederick Douglass 2. Relationship of POV to meaning: 3. Plot Structure a. Exposition: Douglass describes that his mother was a black slave, and his father was a white man. Thus, he was born into slavery and was sent off toRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave977 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1845 Frederick Douglass published his first book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. This book not only showed people what life was truly like in the eyes of a slave, but it became instrumental in propelling the abolitionist movement and helping it gain motion all across the country. Douglass was truly a revolutionary person because throughout the duration of slavery, African American people were not permitted to be educated. This was considered dangerous. It wasn’tRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1131 Words   |  5 PagesAshley Moreshead American History 2010 November 8, 2015 Frederick Douglass Essay The â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave† is a memoir that depicts the hardships and brutalities, Fredrick himself and other slaves suffered during the time of slavery in the 1800’s. Throughout Douglass’ narrative, he describes the common casualties of growing up, and the limited information he is provided with. This is a direct connection between the ignorance of slaves and the lack of educationRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1552 Words   |  7 PagesNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself Theme: False versus True Christianity In this theme, Fredrick Douglass contrasts the both forms of Christianity to show the underlying hypocrisy in slavery. The results show that slavery is not religious as it exposes the evils in human bondage. These ideals however can be distorted so as to fit in the society. Two forms of Christianity are presented in â€Å"The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass and each of themRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1129 Words   |  5 PagesNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave,† by Frederick Douglass and â€Å"Self Reliance†, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a person may notice a trend that both authors focused on. The trend was the key to happiness or self-fulfillment. Both Ralph Waldo Emerson and Frederick Douglass believed that acquiring knowledge is what people should aim for throughout their lives. They both had different viewpoints when it came to the type of knowledge individuals should gain. Douglass believed that oneRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1093 Words   |  5 Pagespossible difference.† -Frederick Douglass. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, by Frederick Douglass, shares the story of the struggles of an American slave during the eighteenth-century. Fredrick Douglass was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland in approximately 1818. While being raised by his grandmother, Betsey Bailey, he snuck around at night to meet his mother nearby, assuming that his slaveholder, Captain Anthony, was his father. From adolescence, Douglass knew he was differentRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1375 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave† The book â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave† was written by Frederick Douglass. It is based on a true story where Douglass writes down about his life as a slave where he was born in Tuckahoe near Hillsborough. However, his mother was an African American while his father was white. The problem was that all the slaves did not know their birthday therefore, Douglas did not know his own age. Although, his master The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave Life of Slaves Up until the late 1800s, people were legally able to own slaves. Slaves are people that are the property of another and are forced to follow their owner s commands. Slaves were treated like dogs, had no freedom and were abused. Frederick Douglass played a huge role in the human rights in the 19th century trying to end slavery. Also, he wrote a narrative called, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, which goes into detail of his day to day life as a slave and how he escaped. Frederick Douglass was born in Talbot County, MD in 1818 and died, February 20, 1895, in Washington, D.C. Slavery was all that he knew growing up, working all day in the plantations, cramped while going to sleep at night if†¦show more content†¦The children were then called, like so many pigs, and like so many pigs they would come and devour the mush; some with oyster shells, others with pieces of shingle, some with naked hands, and none with spoons. He that ate fastest got most; he that was strongest secured the best place, and few left the trough satisfied.† If you gave any of the slaves an eating utensil they most likely would not know how to use it if not knowing what it is at all. They had got their â€Å"mush† once a day with a very limited amount of water that was probably very unsanitary and unsafe to drink. Be grateful for your bed that you sleep on at night. Douglass stated in his narrative that there were no beds, he had to steal an empty corn meal bag and crawl inside and sleep on the bare, damp and dirty hard ground in order to have the least bit of comfort (Douglass 11). Not only were they bedless and uncomfortable, the rooms were very cramped. Another slave, Josiah Hanson said, â€Å"Wooden floors were an unknown luxury. In a single room were huddled, like cattle, ten or a dozen persons, men, women, and children. We had neither bedsteads nor furniture of any description. Our beds were collections of straw and old rags, thrown down in the corners and boxed in with boards; a single blanket the only covering.† Their hygiene was pretty bad too. All of the kids walked around with no shoes, or pants and getting into things. You know how kids are,Show MoreRelatedThe Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1917 Words   |  8 PagesThe United States, 1492 - 1865 06 April 2015 Humanization of Slaves (?) For a large portion of the United States history, slavery was legal and prominent in Southern society. Slaves working on plantations were the main proponent of Southern American economy. Slaves working in the United States during this time, especially those working on plantations in the South, suffered through horrible living and work conditions and punishment. Slaves were forced under duress to work for long hours, and were whippedRead MoreThe Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1170 Words   |  5 Pagesabolitionist speakers, Frederick Douglass. Born into slavery, this great American leader led a life many of us would find impossible to bear. After gaining his freedom from slavery, Douglass shared his stories through impressive speeches and vivid autobiographies, which helped America move forward as a country liberated from racial inequality. Although Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave allows readers to understand what life was like for slaves in antebellum America, theRead MoreThe Life Of Frederick Douglass An American Slave983 Words   |  4 Pages The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave, is an incredible story of one man’s struggle to become free from the bonds of slavery. While experiencing his hardships and celebrate his triumphs along the way, the story saddens you with the cruelty of humans but leaves you joyous at the outcome. Written as proof that a well-educated black man was indeed a slave and that even with a life riddled with trials and tribulations you can rise above and succeeded in obtaining your dreamRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1251 Words   |  6 PagesJustine Boonstra Frey- Period 1 MAJOR WORKS REVIEW AP Lang Version GENERAL 1. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. 1845. New York: Fine, 2003. Print. 2. Autobiography STRUCTURE 1. Point of View: First Person, the narrator Frederick Douglass 2. Relationship of POV to meaning: 3. Plot Structure a. Exposition: Douglass describes that his mother was a black slave, and his father was a white man. Thus, he was born into slavery and was sent off toRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave977 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1845 Frederick Douglass published his first book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. This book not only showed people what life was truly like in the eyes of a slave, but it became instrumental in propelling the abolitionist movement and helping it gain motion all across the country. Douglass was truly a revolutionary person because throughout the duration of slavery, African American people were not permitted to be educated. This was considered dangerous. It wasn’tRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1131 Words   |  5 PagesAshley Moreshead American History 2010 November 8, 2015 Frederick Douglass Essay The â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave† is a memoir that depicts the hardships and brutalities, Fredrick himself and other slaves suffered during the time of slavery in the 1800’s. Throughout Douglass’ narrative, he describes the common casualties of growing up, and the limited information he is provided with. This is a direct connection between the ignorance of slaves and the lack of educationRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1129 Words   |  5 PagesNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave,† by Frederick Douglass and â€Å"Self Reliance†, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a person may notice a trend that both authors focused on. The trend was the key to happiness or self-fulfillment. Both Ralph Waldo Emerson and Frederick Douglass believed that acquiring knowledge is what people should aim for throughout their lives. They both had different viewpoints when it c ame to the type of knowledge individuals should gain. Douglass believed that oneRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1552 Words   |  7 PagesNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself Theme: False versus True Christianity In this theme, Fredrick Douglass contrasts the both forms of Christianity to show the underlying hypocrisy in slavery. The results show that slavery is not religious as it exposes the evils in human bondage. These ideals however can be distorted so as to fit in the society. Two forms of Christianity are presented in â€Å"The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass and each of themRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1093 Words   |  5 Pagespossible difference.† -Frederick Douglass. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, by Frederick Douglass, shares the story of the struggles of an American slave during the eighteenth-century. Fredrick Douglass was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland in approximately 1818. While being raised by his grandmother, Betsey Bailey, he snuck around at night to meet his mother nearby, assuming that his slaveholder, Captain Anthony, was his father. From adolescence, Douglass knew he was differentRead More The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave1267 Words   |  6 PagesThe Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave was written by Frederick Douglass himself. He was born into slavery in Tuckahoe, Maryland in approximately 1817. He has, †¦no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it (47). He became known as an eloquent speaker for the cause of the abolitionists. Having himself been kept as a slave until he escaped from Maryland in 1838

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Moments of My Life Free Essays

Moment Of My Life Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can learn how to live it. Well, can’t but agree with that. We will write a custom essay sample on Moments of My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now If I was asked to describe the meaning of the word â€Å"life†, I would compare it with making a movie which consists of enormous amount of shots. Each of these reflects a separate and unique moment, which can be happy, touching to the core of your heart, those which make you laugh, shiver or even cry. Absolutely, these moments happen to each of us every day. Some of them we forget as fast as they happen, but others will stay in our heart and mind for the lifetime. I was given an opportunity to describe the very special moment of my life. The moment that changed it, that shook me and turned my world upside down. It was an early morning when my mom was seeing me off at the airport. We were sitting in the cafeteria holding hands and looking at each other without saying a single word. I could see tears in her eyes. She looked worried, upset and proud of me at the same time. It’s not easy to let your still little daughter go on her first flight to unknown far-far away country and being aware of that you won’t see her In the next couple of years. The emotions were overwhelming me. I was terrified and full of courage, worried and excited, already missed my family but couldn’t wait to take off. And here I was making a small step out of the plane In New York but a gigantic one Into my new future. Being out of reach for my old world I was dragging through the crowded airport seeking for the familiar face of my only friend in this big apple. Had no back up plan on my mind because I am absolutely convinced that If you are making a change up In your life you should just go for it without any thought of drawing back. My friend was standing in front of me. I was still speechless of everything going on around but so happy to meet the only connection with the new world. It was late at night. I remember getting off Penn Station and walking couple off blocks to take the other train. It seems pretty funny right now but that time I was wondering if it is ever going to be able to understand the subway map and the endless routes of trains. I can’t but say that this thought left my head immediately. After I found myself I the middle of the street surrounded by the impressive skyscrapers being such a contrast to each other, the flow of people still rushing somewhere or Just walking around and so much light that made the streets look like it’s a day time. That very second my inner soul and me realized it was my new home. This city with millions of people, great and Inspiring architecture, but tons of garbage In the streets and smell of food trucks is my new world where I want to be, want to find myself and settle down. New York is the city where everyone is equal at the start line. I am sure that this great city can teach you to live your life, to be always In motion, to see good and bad more clear, to catch every opportunity that comes your way and to appreciate the certain things when you have them. While talking about me I would say that despite the fact I was terrified at the beginning of what was going to happen to me next I was totally happy and grateful to my life for giving me this chance and experience of all those great feelings and moments. BY pituitary You must experience each one before you can learn how to live it. Well, I can’t but agree with that. If I was asked to describe the meaning of the word â€Å"life†, I would country and being aware of that you won’t see her in the next couple of years. The excited, already missed my family but couldn’t wait to take off. And here I was making a small step out of the plane in New York but a gigantic one into my new future. Seeking for the familiar face of my only friend in this big apple. I had no back up plan on my mind because I am absolutely convinced that if you are making a change up in your life you should Just go for it without any thought of drawing back. My friend was inspiring architecture, but tons of garbage in the streets and smell of food trucks is teach you to live your life, to be always in motion, to see good and bad more clear, to How to cite Moments of My Life, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

David Jones free essay sample

David Jones has a skilled, experienced and expertise Board of directors which is accountable for caring the rights, interests and the management of David Jones. Chief Executive Officer and Managing director are responsible for setting strategy, planning and administration for the company on daily basis. Paul Zahra has been â€Å"Chief Executive Officer and Managing director† for David Jones since 18 June 2010. Mr Zahra has more than 30 years’ experience in the Australian retail industry. He has held senior management roles across the retail sector in the areas of buying, stores, visual merchandising, supply chain, store refurbishments, customer service and operations. Directors are from a mix of different backgrounds, knowledge, skills and experience in the areas of retailing, financial services, property management and development, marketing, human resources, information technology, finance and law. Board of Directors Committee Memberships Name Role Audit Remuneration and Nominations Peter Mason AM Chairman and Non-Executive Director Paul Zahra Chief Executive Officer Jane Harvey Non-Executive Director  John Harvey Non-Executive Director Chairman Philippa Stone Non-Executive Director Steven Vamos Non-Executive Director Chairman Leigh Clapham Non-Executive Director Executive Management Name Role Paul Zahra Chief Executive Officer Paula Bauchinger Group Executive – Human Resources Cate Daniels Group Executive – Operations Matthew Durbin Executive – Strategic Planning Antony Karp Group Executive – Retail Services Sacha Laing Group Executive – Marketing and Financial Services Donna Player Group Executive – Merchandise David Robinson Executive – Multi Channel Strategy and Integration Brad Soller Chief Financial Officer 2. We will write a custom essay sample on David Jones or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Employees According to David Jones , to achieve the highest profits and improve customer satisfaction, the company need to create an effective working environment for their employees following these goals: Every employee is valued; Recognition and reward for their contribution and performance; provide opportunities for employees to achieve their full potential; Obligation to safety, health and welfare, environmental responsibilities; and Support for philanthropic causes that are important to both David Jones’ customers and employees. Therefore, David Jones’ commitment is to realising its vision of being the ‘best place for our people to work’. In FY2012, David Jones invested in a range of advantages to ensure employees feel valued and supported: David Jones Charity Leave Policy: Supporting the philanthropic causes that are important to its customers and team members. Employee Referral Program: To reward any team member whose referral results in the successful placement of an external candidate in a nominated vacancy. Employee Self Service: To help team members achieve their full potential, reduces administration and to meet David Jones’ objective of transitioning to an environmentally sustainable business model. Innovation Workshop: Encourage continued innovative thinking, 150 team members from across the business participated in an innovation workshop at the Company’s annual conference in August 2012. To invest in the future and build the management and leadership capability of line managers, David Jones has established training and development programs. David Jones Executive Leadership Program: is designed to address the development needs of the David Jones’ Executive Committee and Executive Leadership Team, and comprises five leadership modules including a 360-degree leadership survey. David Jones Future Leaders Program: is designed in-house to develop high potential people managers that have been identified as part of the Company’s annual succession planning process. Operations Online Compliance: is designed to ensures that frontline employees remain current in processes and policies that are important to their role, including workplace safety, food safety, customer service and the David Jones Code of Ethics and Conduct. Recognition and Reward: New Executive Incentive Framework New Enterprise Agreements New Frontline Incentive Program Excellence Awards Program David Jones does not tolerate harassment, discrimination or bullying in the workplace. Employees of David Jones can expect to be treated in a fair and professional manner. Unacceptable behaviours under the David Jones terms of employment: Harassment- Discrimination and Bullying. 3. Organisational Culture Diversity Management and the entire David Jones workforce are embraced of and attract diverse, talented and motivated people. David Jones’ diversity supports commitment to a culture that equally embraces: gender, age, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and family responsibilities of our people. David Jones encourages and supports all of our employees to reach their full potential and irrespective of gender. David Jones’ corporate sponsorship of the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the operation of Rose Clinics, while a philanthropic initiative, also serves to demonstrate our commitment to raising health awareness among employees and customers alike. This is representative of our broader commitment to the promotion of women and issues that affect women Equity David Jones has a Share Trading Policy that complies with the requirements of ASX Listing Rule 12. This was lodged with the ASX in 2010 and is available in the Corporate Governance section of its website. Consistent with the legal prohibitions on insider trading, under the policy, all directors, officers, members of senior management, other employees and consultants are prohibited from dealing in David Jones securities while in possession of unpublished price sensitive information about David Jones. HSBC CUSTODY NOMINEES (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED is the biggest shareholders with 69,772,020 shares (13. 20%). The 20 largest ordinary shareholders hold 45.  17% of the ordinary shares of the Company. External environment I. General Environment 1. Political and Legal Carbon Pricing Scheme David Jones has a proven track record in reducing its carbon emissions and supports the government of the day in its attempts to move the economy towards a low-carbon future. David Jones conducted its own analysis in 2011 to determine the direct impact on its cost base and participated in roundtable discussions facilitated by the Australian National Retailers Association (ANRA) to review macro-environmental impacts of the scheme. Macro-environmental impacts ANRA advocated that the government release analysis outlining how households would be affected and compensated by the introduction of a carbon price. Subsequent to these discussions, additional information was released, addressing many of the unknown factors in relation to the scheme and confining any detrimental impact on consumer sentiment, which is a key driver of top-line growth for discretionary retailers. Direct financial impacts David Jones count on the Business Roundtable on Climate Change, established by the Federal government, to represent business interests in the development of the Clean Energy Future legislative package, including the carbon pricing scheme. Trading Hours David Jones follow retail industry’s opening hours Monday:9:30am 7:00pm Tuesday:9:30am 7:00pm Wednesday:9:30am 7:00pm Thursday:9:30am 9:00pm Friday:9:30am 9:00pm Saturday:9:00am 7:00pm Sunday:10:00am 7:00pm 2. Economical Low Inflation rate and high Australian dollar makes foreign imports become cheaper, leads to an increase in profit of David Jones. On the other hand, increase in the value of money also makes customers become interested in shopping online or buy goods overseas, makes customers rate of David Jones fall. Therefore, David Jones should adjust the price of goods for both profitable and consistent with the economic situation and the needs of customers. An increase in the unemployment rate reduces people’s income and also their shopping needs. 3. Social Cultural People are trying to keep a balance between their work and social-life. Besides spending a whole day at work, they are willing to spend more time go to department stores on the weekdays. Based on population data from around Australia, Gen Y has appeared as Australias largest demographic with 4. 67 million people. Generation X has also grown to 4. 6 million. And, the Baby Boomer demographic is shrinking; falling by 6,000 to just 4. 11 million people. Generation X and Y are tremendously internet savvy. The internet is the first place that they look when purchasing goods and services. There are more educated people so their knowledge about fashion and fashion demand has increased. They are willing to purchase clothes with good quality from well-known suppliers. 4. Technological New Point of Sale (POS) system: will improve customers’ service experience and reduce transaction times. This system has multi-functionality and will play a pivotal role in David Jones’ OCR Strategy. David Jones also has new Workforce Management and Traffic Analytics System. 5. Natural David Jones is committed to managing its own operations in an environmentally sustainable manner and will meet this commitment by: Investing in efficiency measures and driving behavioural change to reduce the impact that the business has on the environment; Embedding environmental sustainability into the corporate cultural of the organisation; Developing robust  management systems to ensure transparency and confidence in environmental reporting. David Jones’ environment strategy comprises four strategic objectives: Improve environmental outcomes, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting and conserving natural resources, and optimising water use. Motivate cultural change, by encouraging behavioural change and then by integrating sustainability into decision making at all levels of the organisation. Engage with employees, customers and shareholders, to ensure that interested stakeholders are able to access information about David Jones’ environmental impacts and initiatives, and ensure that the Company’s approach to sustainability reflects stakeholder expectations. Meet and, where viable, exceed the Company’s mandatory and voluntary reporting obligations. II. Specific environment 1. Customers People are willing to dress nicer, fussy and trendy. The way they dress is usually according to the fashion trend. They are influenced from the internet; all the fashion trends are spreading quickly. 2. Competitors : Myer Myer is Australias largest department store group, and a market leader in Australian retailing, operating about 65 stores that offer some of the top style and fashion lines in the country. Merchandise (some 2,400 brands) is sourced from suppliers worldwide and includes accessories; womens, mens, and childrens apparel; beauty and cosmetics; electrical goods; housewares; and toys. Myer runs stores in about 25 of the top 30 largest shopping centres in Australia, with New South Wales as its top market, followed by Victoria and Queensland. Besides Myer, Target, Kmart and other smaller retailers are also David Jones’ competitors. 3. Suppliers Suppliers are an integral part of David Jones’ â€Å"Home of Brands† strategy, which makes David Jones stand out from its competitors. David Jones is committed to improving and strengthening their relationship with each of their suppliers. David Jones also appreciates suppliers that have understood Australian customers and have adjusted their prices. 4. Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION David Jones takes a responsible approach in relation to the management of environmental matters. David Jones’ report has followed with the requirements of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth) (NGER Act). No environmental breaches have been notified to the Company Entity by any government agency. David Jones is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors, visitors and customers. David Jones continues to work towards achieving an incident-free and injury-free workplace. This commitment is supported by the â€Å"[emailprotected]† management system and the Company’s safety programs â€Å"[emailprotected] davidjones† management system imitates efforts of team members to put â€Å"SafetyFirst† in daily tasks and activities, by identifying and controlling hazards that have the potential to cause incidents and injuries. Safety Information Management system Incident, Hazard and Investigation: provides an on-line system to support the reporting of incidents and the completion of incident investigations, risk assessments and associated corrective actions; Case and Claims Management: focuses on the management of information related to workers compensation claim files, claim transactions and payments as well as Return to Work Plans for work related and non-work related injuries; Risk Management; Audit and Inspections; Training: focuses on core compliance training, safety accountabilities, hazard and risk management and injury management training.

David Jones free essay sample

David Jones has a skilled, experienced and expertise Board of directors which is accountable for caring the rights, interests and the management of David Jones. Chief Executive Officer and Managing director are responsible for setting strategy, planning and administration for the company on daily basis. Paul Zahra has been â€Å"Chief Executive Officer and Managing director† for David Jones since 18 June 2010. Mr Zahra has more than 30 years’ experience in the Australian retail industry. He has held senior management roles across the retail sector in the areas of buying, stores, visual merchandising, supply chain, store refurbishments, customer service and operations. Directors are from a mix of different backgrounds, knowledge, skills and experience in the areas of retailing, financial services, property management and development, marketing, human resources, information technology, finance and law. Board of Directors Committee Memberships Name Role Audit Remuneration and Nominations Peter Mason AM Chairman and Non-Executive Director Paul Zahra Chief Executive Officer Jane Harvey Non-Executive Director  John Harvey Non-Executive Director Chairman Philippa Stone Non-Executive Director Steven Vamos Non-Executive Director Chairman Leigh Clapham Non-Executive Director Executive Management Name Role Paul Zahra Chief Executive Officer Paula Bauchinger Group Executive – Human Resources Cate Daniels Group Executive – Operations Matthew Durbin Executive – Strategic Planning Antony Karp Group Executive – Retail Services Sacha Laing Group Executive – Marketing and Financial Services Donna Player Group Executive – Merchandise David Robinson Executive – Multi Channel Strategy and Integration Brad Soller Chief Financial Officer 2. We will write a custom essay sample on David Jones or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Employees According to David Jones , to achieve the highest profits and improve customer satisfaction, the company need to create an effective working environment for their employees following these goals: Every employee is valued; Recognition and reward for their contribution and performance; provide opportunities for employees to achieve their full potential; Obligation to safety, health and welfare, environmental responsibilities; and Support for philanthropic causes that are important to both David Jones’ customers and employees. Therefore, David Jones’ commitment is to realising its vision of being the ‘best place for our people to work’. In FY2012, David Jones invested in a range of advantages to ensure employees feel valued and supported: David Jones Charity Leave Policy: Supporting the philanthropic causes that are important to its customers and team members. Employee Referral Program: To reward any team member whose referral results in the successful placement of an external candidate in a nominated vacancy. Employee Self Service: To help team members achieve their full potential, reduces administration and to meet David Jones’ objective of transitioning to an environmentally sustainable business model. Innovation Workshop: Encourage continued innovative thinking, 150 team members from across the business participated in an innovation workshop at the Company’s annual conference in August 2012. To invest in the future and build the management and leadership capability of line managers, David Jones has established training and development programs. David Jones Executive Leadership Program: is designed to address the development needs of the David Jones’ Executive Committee and Executive Leadership Team, and comprises five leadership modules including a 360-degree leadership survey. David Jones Future Leaders Program: is designed in-house to develop high potential people managers that have been identified as part of the Company’s annual succession planning process. Operations Online Compliance: is designed to ensures that frontline employees remain current in processes and policies that are important to their role, including workplace safety, food safety, customer service and the David Jones Code of Ethics and Conduct. Recognition and Reward: New Executive Incentive Framework New Enterprise Agreements New Frontline Incentive Program Excellence Awards Program David Jones does not tolerate harassment, discrimination or bullying in the workplace. Employees of David Jones can expect to be treated in a fair and professional manner. Unacceptable behaviours under the David Jones terms of employment: Harassment- Discrimination and Bullying. 3. Organisational Culture Diversity Management and the entire David Jones workforce are embraced of and attract diverse, talented and motivated people. David Jones’ diversity supports commitment to a culture that equally embraces: gender, age, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and family responsibilities of our people. David Jones encourages and supports all of our employees to reach their full potential and irrespective of gender. David Jones’ corporate sponsorship of the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the operation of Rose Clinics, while a philanthropic initiative, also serves to demonstrate our commitment to raising health awareness among employees and customers alike. This is representative of our broader commitment to the promotion of women and issues that affect women Equity David Jones has a Share Trading Policy that complies with the requirements of ASX Listing Rule 12. This was lodged with the ASX in 2010 and is available in the Corporate Governance section of its website. Consistent with the legal prohibitions on insider trading, under the policy, all directors, officers, members of senior management, other employees and consultants are prohibited from dealing in David Jones securities while in possession of unpublished price sensitive information about David Jones. HSBC CUSTODY NOMINEES (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED is the biggest shareholders with 69,772,020 shares (13. 20%). The 20 largest ordinary shareholders hold 45.  17% of the ordinary shares of the Company. External environment I. General Environment 1. Political and Legal Carbon Pricing Scheme David Jones has a proven track record in reducing its carbon emissions and supports the government of the day in its attempts to move the economy towards a low-carbon future. David Jones conducted its own analysis in 2011 to determine the direct impact on its cost base and participated in roundtable discussions facilitated by the Australian National Retailers Association (ANRA) to review macro-environmental impacts of the scheme. Macro-environmental impacts ANRA advocated that the government release analysis outlining how households would be affected and compensated by the introduction of a carbon price. Subsequent to these discussions, additional information was released, addressing many of the unknown factors in relation to the scheme and confining any detrimental impact on consumer sentiment, which is a key driver of top-line growth for discretionary retailers. Direct financial impacts David Jones count on the Business Roundtable on Climate Change, established by the Federal government, to represent business interests in the development of the Clean Energy Future legislative package, including the carbon pricing scheme. Trading Hours David Jones follow retail industry’s opening hours Monday:9:30am 7:00pm Tuesday:9:30am 7:00pm Wednesday:9:30am 7:00pm Thursday:9:30am 9:00pm Friday:9:30am 9:00pm Saturday:9:00am 7:00pm Sunday:10:00am 7:00pm 2. Economical Low Inflation rate and high Australian dollar makes foreign imports become cheaper, leads to an increase in profit of David Jones. On the other hand, increase in the value of money also makes customers become interested in shopping online or buy goods overseas, makes customers rate of David Jones fall. Therefore, David Jones should adjust the price of goods for both profitable and consistent with the economic situation and the needs of customers. An increase in the unemployment rate reduces people’s income and also their shopping needs. 3. Social Cultural People are trying to keep a balance between their work and social-life. Besides spending a whole day at work, they are willing to spend more time go to department stores on the weekdays. Based on population data from around Australia, Gen Y has appeared as Australias largest demographic with 4. 67 million people. Generation X has also grown to 4. 6 million. And, the Baby Boomer demographic is shrinking; falling by 6,000 to just 4. 11 million people. Generation X and Y are tremendously internet savvy. The internet is the first place that they look when purchasing goods and services. There are more educated people so their knowledge about fashion and fashion demand has increased. They are willing to purchase clothes with good quality from well-known suppliers. 4. Technological New Point of Sale (POS) system: will improve customers’ service experience and reduce transaction times. This system has multi-functionality and will play a pivotal role in David Jones’ OCR Strategy. David Jones also has new Workforce Management and Traffic Analytics System. 5. Natural David Jones is committed to managing its own operations in an environmentally sustainable manner and will meet this commitment by: Investing in efficiency measures and driving behavioural change to reduce the impact that the business has on the environment; Embedding environmental sustainability into the corporate cultural of the organisation; Developing robust  management systems to ensure transparency and confidence in environmental reporting. David Jones’ environment strategy comprises four strategic objectives: Improve environmental outcomes, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting and conserving natural resources, and optimising water use. Motivate cultural change, by encouraging behavioural change and then by integrating sustainability into decision making at all levels of the organisation. Engage with employees, customers and shareholders, to ensure that interested stakeholders are able to access information about David Jones’ environmental impacts and initiatives, and ensure that the Company’s approach to sustainability reflects stakeholder expectations. Meet and, where viable, exceed the Company’s mandatory and voluntary reporting obligations. II. Specific environment 1. Customers People are willing to dress nicer, fussy and trendy. The way they dress is usually according to the fashion trend. They are influenced from the internet; all the fashion trends are spreading quickly. 2. Competitors : Myer Myer is Australias largest department store group, and a market leader in Australian retailing, operating about 65 stores that offer some of the top style and fashion lines in the country. Merchandise (some 2,400 brands) is sourced from suppliers worldwide and includes accessories; womens, mens, and childrens apparel; beauty and cosmetics; electrical goods; housewares; and toys. Myer runs stores in about 25 of the top 30 largest shopping centres in Australia, with New South Wales as its top market, followed by Victoria and Queensland. Besides Myer, Target, Kmart and other smaller retailers are also David Jones’ competitors. 3. Suppliers Suppliers are an integral part of David Jones’ â€Å"Home of Brands† strategy, which makes David Jones stand out from its competitors. David Jones is committed to improving and strengthening their relationship with each of their suppliers. David Jones also appreciates suppliers that have understood Australian customers and have adjusted their prices. 4. Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION David Jones takes a responsible approach in relation to the management of environmental matters. David Jones’ report has followed with the requirements of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth) (NGER Act). No environmental breaches have been notified to the Company Entity by any government agency. David Jones is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors, visitors and customers. David Jones continues to work towards achieving an incident-free and injury-free workplace. This commitment is supported by the â€Å"[emailprotected]† management system and the Company’s safety programs â€Å"[emailprotected] davidjones† management system imitates efforts of team members to put â€Å"SafetyFirst† in daily tasks and activities, by identifying and controlling hazards that have the potential to cause incidents and injuries. Safety Information Management system Incident, Hazard and Investigation: provides an on-line system to support the reporting of incidents and the completion of incident investigations, risk assessments and associated corrective actions; Case and Claims Management: focuses on the management of information related to workers compensation claim files, claim transactions and payments as well as Return to Work Plans for work related and non-work related injuries; Risk Management; Audit and Inspections; Training: focuses on core compliance training, safety accountabilities, hazard and risk management and injury management training.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Hurricane Sandy on Long Island, New York

Hurricane Sandy set record as the largest Atlantic hurricane experienced in the history of the United Sates. It badly devastated communities that lived on coastal regions of New Jersey and New York. One of the severely affected areas was Long Island, New York. The hurricane caused damages worth millions and displaced many people from their homes (Buchanan par3).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hurricane Sandy on Long Island, New York specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many explanations were put forward to explicate possible causes of the devastating storm. Political interference in the issue nearly misled people by proposing that destruction of environment by humans was the leading cause of the hurricane. However, scientists gave three causes of the storm. These included high sea surface temperatures, warming of the Arctic, and a rise in the sea level. The recent level of global warming was also to blame (Coch par4 ). It has led to high water temperatures, which have led to high moisture content in the atmosphere. The high moisture content initiated the storm, caused a rise in the sea level, and affected weather patterns that have been attributed to the deceasing quantity of Arctic ice (Buchanan par4). Hurricane Sandy was heralded by a powerful hurricane that was characterized by high moisture content from warm water on the Atlantic Ocean (Guelpa and Mazelis par5). In addition, a considerable decrease in the jet stream due to global warming, and high sea tides that raised the sea level contributed to the storm. Destruction of the environment was blamed for the hurricane because of lack of scientific evidence to explain the cause of the storm (Buchanan par6). However, climate was the main cause. Several things could be done to alleviate the effects of the storm and avoid future occurrences. Even though the government passed a $50.5 billion aid package for Hurricane Sandy victims, more could be done. Precautionary measures include raising power grid equipment and rezoning flood areas, securing fuel delivery systems to avert effects of power outbreaks, and renovating subways stations to make them waterproof (Guelpa and Mazelis par6). Apart from helping victims to settle into new homes, people could organize fundraising events to that will help to reconstruct public amenities such as schools, hospitals, and churches.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People should offer any help available, be it social, financial, or emotional. Something should be done considering that effects of Hurricane Katrina are still evident today because people and the government did not do enough to alleviate the adverse effects of the storm. The government should enact new laws that will avert such disasters in future (Pappas par4). Such laws could require installation of reserve generators in ho spitals and gas stations. After the storm, rescue efforts stalled because many hospitals experienced power interruption due to destruction of power lines. According to Coch, the Northeast Coach is very vulnerable to storms because of its geography and topography (Voiland par5). These actions will go a long way in supplementing recent programs established by the government. These include the National Flood Insurance Program, the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, and the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Fund (Voiland par7). Through these programs, the government has shown willingness to help victims of the hurricane. The government should increase efforts to implement the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013 by increasing funding to help settle displaced people (Voiland par8). Finally, the government should increase disaster recovery centers in Long Island. Works Cited Buchanan, A. Climate expert reveals cause of hurricane sandy. 2012. Web. Coch, N. Hurricane San dy: what Caused the Recent Superstorm and How to  Prepare for the Next One. 2012. Web. Guelpa, P., and Mazelis, F. One month since hurricane sandy. 2012. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hurricane Sandy on Long Island, New York specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Pappas, S. Weather or Climate: What Caused Hurricane Sandy? 2012. Web. Voiland, A. Hurricane sandy (Atlantic Ocean). 2013. Web. This essay on Hurricane Sandy on Long Island, New York was written and submitted by user Brantley Diaz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Viking Conflicts

No matter what point in time, whether it be the first days of man’s existence or the present day, conflict and dispute has always existed between fellow man. Throughout time, improvements have been made in the methods of settling their disputes. Medieval Icelandic society exemplifies some of the various methods that have been used to settle conflicts through its unique legal system. Depending on the situation and those involved, the settlements ranged from savage blood feuds to ordered sentences of compensation or outlawry by members of an ordered assembly called The Althing. There are many examples of these conflicts incorporated into the three Viking sagas: The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Struck, The Saga of Hrafnkel Frey’s Godi, and The Saga of the People of Laxardal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Surprisingly, medieval Iceland contained a well-organized legal system. This was comprised of a decentralized self-government including free farmers with positions of chieftains, thingmen, and their slaves. Early Iceland was divided into several districts, each containing three chieftains. The Althing, a general assembly that was held every year, contained people of every district and every position and discussed various cases, their settlements, laws, legal codes, etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disputes that were settled legally followed certain guidelines and rules that were determined at The Althing. A previously and well prepared case was presented in front of the general assembly, composed of chieftains and thingmen, by an individual chosen to defend the accused and one to prosecute the accused. Basically, each side had to give reasons and provide witnesses to convince the jury to punish or request compensation from the accused, or to dismiss the entire case. The court then made a ruling and decided a sentence or amount of compensation. In Hrafnkel, Sam presents a case against Hrafnkel in front of The Althing to avenge his cousin Einar’s killing. Sam presents his c... Free Essays on Viking Conflicts Free Essays on Viking Conflicts No matter what point in time, whether it be the first days of man’s existence or the present day, conflict and dispute has always existed between fellow man. Throughout time, improvements have been made in the methods of settling their disputes. Medieval Icelandic society exemplifies some of the various methods that have been used to settle conflicts through its unique legal system. Depending on the situation and those involved, the settlements ranged from savage blood feuds to ordered sentences of compensation or outlawry by members of an ordered assembly called The Althing. There are many examples of these conflicts incorporated into the three Viking sagas: The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Struck, The Saga of Hrafnkel Frey’s Godi, and The Saga of the People of Laxardal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Surprisingly, medieval Iceland contained a well-organized legal system. This was comprised of a decentralized self-government including free farmers with positions of chieftains, thingmen, and their slaves. Early Iceland was divided into several districts, each containing three chieftains. The Althing, a general assembly that was held every year, contained people of every district and every position and discussed various cases, their settlements, laws, legal codes, etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disputes that were settled legally followed certain guidelines and rules that were determined at The Althing. A previously and well prepared case was presented in front of the general assembly, composed of chieftains and thingmen, by an individual chosen to defend the accused and one to prosecute the accused. Basically, each side had to give reasons and provide witnesses to convince the jury to punish or request compensation from the accused, or to dismiss the entire case. The court then made a ruling and decided a sentence or amount of compensation. In Hrafnkel, Sam presents a case against Hrafnkel in front of The Althing to avenge his cousin Einar’s killing. Sam presents his c...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

WIKI Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WIKI - Assignment Example iv. Leadership and management skills. Should be in a position of coming up with new ideas and coordinating all the activities of the organization. Through this, he/she would become an invaluable asset for the company. The position of a warehouse supervisor would be filled by the most suitable candidate. The successful candidate would be granted a five-year contract which would be renewable upon expiry. The monthly package would be between $ 5,000 and $7,000. It is the responsibility of the warehouse supervisor to be in charge of the day to day operations of the warehouse. A part from coordinating all its activities, the supervisor would keep the record of the stock in and out. The position of an Administration Assistant would be filled by the most competent and highly qualified professional. It is a 3-year contract which can be renewed upon expiry. The monthly salary would range from $2,000 up to $6,000. The Administration Assistant would be in charge of administration. He/she would be responsible for discharging administrative duties on day to day basis. The other role would be taking and keeping records on different issues within the organization. As a junior staff, the Administration Assistant would be expected to perform any other duties delegated to them by their seniors (Gomez-Mejia et al.,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Development of Christianity from the time of Jesus to its acceptance Essay

Development of Christianity from the time of Jesus to its acceptance as the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 370s - Essay Example Upon Herod’s death, they eventually returned home to Nazareth. Jesus grew up under the guidance of Mary and Joseph and little is known about his life during these times until he reached the age of 30 when he was said to have started his ministry (History World, 2010). His ministry was said to have lasted from one year to as many as four from AD c.29-33. It began with his baptism which was dated in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius or AD 29 (History World, 2010). Jesus soon acquired followers after his baptism and the Gospels implied that he went on to perform miracles and to further gain followers through miracle healings. His main and initial followers grew to be his apostles, numbering 12 and most were fishermen (History World, 2010). One of the followers, Peter, slowly emerged as their leader and he was known to be the predecessor of the Church leaders, more particularly, the Pope (History World, 2010). Jesus’ ministry was mostly manifested in Galilee, and befor e the end of his life, he and his followers moved into Jerusalem before the Passover. His arrival in Jerusalem was not welcomed by those in power. His gatherings always attracted attention and crowds and this made him an easy target for the Romans (History World, 2010). After having supper with his disciples following the tradition of the Passover, he went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. There, Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, led authorities to Jesus’ arrest. Pontius Pilate ordered Jesus’ crucifixion and thereafter, in Calvary, Jesus died (History World, 2010). The Bible goes on to narrate how after three days, he rose again. The sighting of Jesus by Mary Magdalene and the disciples and the discovery of the empty tomb all support the story of Christ’s resurrection (History World, 2010). After Jesus’ death, his followers, who called themselves Christians, grew rapidly (Religion Facts, 2009). Followers led by Jesus’ disciple Peter were leading a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Lease vs Buy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Lease vs Buy - Research Paper Example The acquisition or lease of the transportation equipment is critical to the nature of the company’s business of bringing its guests to different locations to areas which would further enhance the company’ s delivery of value to its customers. What should the company do? ABC Company plans to acquire transportation equipment or two buses with a five year life and a total cost of $40 million which will transport clients to different areas as a way of adding value to its services. A bank is ready and will to provide a loan for the acquisition. The company can borrow the required $40 million, using a 10 percent loan to be amortized over five years. Therefore the loan will call for payments of $10.4 million per year as can be estimated using a financial calculator. As an alternative, ABC can lease the equipment for five years at a rental charge of $11.2 million per year, payable also at the end of the year. If it is lease, the equipment will not be owned and the risk of loss will belong still to the XYZ Company as lessor. However, ABC Company will be liable pay to annual rental for five years from which tax benefits can also be derived. If it decides to buy the equipment, ABC will be able to save on tax on depreciation for the equipment and maintenance c ost. Since the lessor will own the two buses at the expiration of the lease, the company is somewhat confused on which is the better option. Relying on the comparative figures of $10.4 million payable yearly to the bank to finance acquisition and the rental payments of $11.2 million for yearly payments looks somewhat incomplete to ABC Company without including other factors which can be further quantified. The lease payment schedule is established by XYZ Company the potential lessor with the $11.2 million for five years was given to ABC Company and the latter is at present stage of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Global Corporate Governance Standards: Pros and Cons

Global Corporate Governance Standards: Pros and Cons 1.0 Background and history Increasing numbers of public companies and shareholders base lead to shareholders of the companies not involved in management and control their own company. Thus, they employed professional managers to running their business as a result some of the managers are not working on the behalf of shareholders and caused companies collapsed through financial statement fraud and money laundering. The case Watergate scandal due to break-in to Watergate building complex in the United States at 1970s had lead to arising of Corporate Governance. Besides, UK had experienced increasing numbers corruption by senior executives or director in late 1980s and early 1990 as well. Corporate such as Enron scandal in US caused by conflict in interest of Arthur Andersen which was as an auditor and consultant at the same times lead the Enron Corporations and one of the five biggest accountancy and audit firms in the world collapsed. Besides, Lehman Brothers and several UK and European Banking Groups were coll apsed in recent year at September 2008 due to poor corporate governance. Thus, Corporate Governance is the system by which companies is directed and controlled (Cadbury Committee, 1992) in order to avoid fraud happened. It is the responsible of Board of Directors to governance their companies and work on the behalf on stakeholders in their companies. Due to control failure at several major corporations, USA and UK had introduced numbers of guidance reports and laws in individual country in order to have an effectiveness internal control, independent audit committees, and directors remuneration packages results in increase the reliability of financial statements. For instance, there was Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and Treadway Report published in 1987 at US while there was Cadbury, Rutteman, Hampel and Turnbull reports available at UK since 1992 2.0 Advantages and disadvantages of global corporate governance standards Since we are moving toward globalization of business and growth of global capital market, there are quite a numbers of advantages of implemented global corporate governance standards as a basis to replace national basis of corporate governance. Meanwhile, organizations all over the world are adopting same principles of corporate governance which it can reduce cost of organizations compare to national basic of corporate governance. It is expensive to cost organizations when they adopting additional set of rules imposed by local government. Stanwick (2008) claimed that in direct response to the corporate scandals of Enron and WorldCom, the Unites States Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002.When it passed in 2002, many corporations were vocally opposed to it and claimed that is was just an additional set of government regulations that would cost additional time and money which they could not afford in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. Additionally, it can e nsure foreign investor no need to facing multi-codes when they are investing at overseas. For instance, Combined Code at UK based organizations and SOX at US based organizations would be removed. By the way, all organizations implemented global corporate governance able to stimulate performance of top-level management. Since institutes clear accountability and effective link between reward and performance, top-level management will on the behalf of stakeholders and adherence to the standards. Moreover, investors investing their capitals in others countries would get better protected and would be more safety compares to every countries implementing different set of corporate governance standards. Roussey (1997, pg207) stated that once a business entity lists its shares outside of it national borders, it should be subject to a set of global corporate governance rules. It can effectively decrease the chance of top level management using investors capital for self-interest as well as it required companies to disclose all relevant information while implemented global corporate governance standards. Thus, high quality financial reporting and credible accounting provides the transparency than enables investors to make informed evaluation of investment opportunities (Sutton, 1997). Besides, it can attract more foreign investors to invest in the capital market since risk of investors invest in foreign country has reduced and capital markets has becomes more stability. Consequently , there is more and more investors invest in capital market results in organizations getting abundant funds to running their business as well as shareholders getting more dividends in return. Next, global in business move toward to use of global shares. As it enable investors to access home country capitals market and non home country capitals market by using same form of shares. In November 1999, for example, Daimler-Chrysler listed on the New York Stock exchange the same shares listed in its home market (Roussey, 2000). Despite of this, it is needed to implement global corporate governance standard to effectively protect shareholders capital. Furthermore, implemented global corporate governance standards can effectively counter financial statement fraud and money laundering by top management which led to corporate collapse. Otherwise it will back to the situation of severe misstatement of financial statement happened in 2002 such as Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing, and Worldcom. All of these are due to nation poor corporate governance exists at those companies and has introduced new corporate governance standards like Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002 to replace previous standards. Under International Standard on Auditing (ISA), auditor has to communicate audit matters with those charged with governance of an entity in all audit situations, and not just in audits of publicly traded entities (Roussey, 2000). It claimed that auditor must informed and discussed with the people who accept the responsible for companies once they discovered organizations have poor corporate governance such as poor internal control system and missta tement of financial statement. Therefore, they can establish appropriate strategies to address those matters through the knowledge and experience of auditor. By the way, auditor and people who accept the governance responsibilities would be appointed by International Auditing Practices Committees to make sure they are independent enough. Thus, employees at top management level are work accordance with the standards of global corporate governance and move towards credibility of financial statement which prepared by them. Nevertheless, it is possible for top management not to comply with the standards of global corporate governance after long periods of implementation it. As it is developed from convergence of corporate best practice and global legal system, top management likely to take legal loopholes once they familiar with the standards of corporate governance in order to satisfies their needs. Additionally, it just only and only one standard that all the organizations need to comply with. Political will is absolutely crucial to the developing of means and methods to integrate domestic corporate practices with the best standards followed internationally. Only then can integrity of a countrys economic system get reflected properly and foreign investment in domestic business increase (Bhasa, 2004). Implementation of global corporate governance standards is hard to satisfy the needs of shareholders and stakeholders from all over the world because everyone has different demand. However, diverse in cultural and organization structure lead to people accept the responsibilities of governance find it difficult to adapt since the organization members are in different value and belief results in they are using different kind of behavior to achieve organization objectives. For example, the problems of corporate governance arise when the rights of the stakeholders are violated. However, what may be considered stakeholder rights violation in one country might not necessarily be considered so in some other country. This diversity may be particularly because of the different legal structures and cultural settings adopted by different nations (Bhasa, 2004). Cross-cultural psychological, sociological, and anthropological research shows that many cultures do not shares the same assumptions underlying leader behavior and style (Den Hartog et al, 1999). Thus, global corporate governance standards must devise appropriately according to every countries culture dimension and condition. Otherwise it is so hard to monitor the provision of strategic direction performance by top-level of managers in different country are align with companies objectives. Besides, globalization of business lead sociopolitical dynamic and the relation between business, stakeholders, and government will change. According to International Capital Markets Group studied international corporate governance in 1994-1995 (ICMG, 1995), it concluded that it was not appropriate, given the need to respect diverse cultures and legal structures, to prescribe an international standard for corporate governance (Roussey, 2000). 3.0 How the situation might develop or be resolved with the next year or so Based on the articles, there is a need to for global corporate governance standards for all corporations because it can add another extent of protect foreign as well as local shareholders and stakeholders. It encourage the internal securities commissions to consider development and implementation of a set of global corporate governance rules applicable, at a minimum, to business entities listing shares or obtaining financing in the public capital markets outside of their national borders (Roussey, 2000). Additionally, it can enhance the transparency relationship between shareholders and companies since the resources in every organization are use appropriately as well as top-level managers are not abuse their responsibilities on their own interest. Other than that, global corporate governance provides everyone to rely on the organizations financial statement and take it as a reference when investing as well as reporting to shareholders during annual general meeting. N-nitrosamines in Food: Effects and Legislation N-nitrosamines in Food: Effects and Legislation Effects and response The safety of exposure of humans to inorganic nitrite and nitrate received increased scrutiny in 1960s. Cases of infantile methemoglobinemia associated with high nitrate in drinking water were documented. Besides, the formation of N-nitrosamines in certain foods, which had been shown to be carcinogenic, raised awareness regarding potential human health concern. A plausible biological mechanism which explains carcinogenicity of ingested nitrate and nitrite is endogenous N-nitrosation reactions (Bryan et al., 2012). Normal intakes are not proven to have carcinogenic effects. On the other hand, it is the excessive nitrate or nitrite intake which can generate N-nitroso compounds which are carcinogenic and mutagenic by causing DNA alkylation. N-nitrosamines are also genotoxic, which interacts with DNA directly or indirectly, inducing permanent genetic changes in cells, and causing cancer. For this group, as there is no dose which does not result in a possible effect of the genotoxic carcinogens, thus a no observable effect level (NOEL) cannot be estimated (Ravnum et al., 2014). In addition, exposure to nitrosamine affects the immune response strongly. Nitrosamine-induced response towards the immune system is much stronger than nitrosamide-induced response, in a same exposure period. Nitrosamine induces a higher percentage of modulated genes, and involves more pathways. This immunosuppressive effect in turn influences the innate immune response of cells. This plays an important role in the promotion phase of carcinogenic processes, indicating an additional way for nitrosamines to cancer risk (Hebels et al., 2011). Animal toxicology research serves as an important area for investigation which provides us with safety data. About 90% of the 300 nitrosamines tested showed carcinogenic effects in laboratory animals and bioassays. Nevertheless, the usage of animal models requires understanding of the difference between human and animal systems. Rodents used for this purposes have fore-stomachs and Hardarian glands, which is not analogous as in humans (Bryan et al., 2012).. Acute toxic effects of nitrate intake had been encountered only at very high doses. On the other hand, nitrite causes acute toxicity in much smaller doses. In laboratory animals, the LD50 of inorganic nitrite is approximately 2.6 mmol/kg. Some early studies may have shown methaemoglobinaemia when exposed to lower doses of nitrate due to contamination with nitrite (Gilchrist, Shore and Benjamin, 2010). A follow-up study of the Swedish Mamography Cohort found that there is a two-fold elevated risk of stomach cancer with intake of dietary nitrosamines (Larsson, Bergkvist and Wolk, 2006). On the other hand, Loh et al. (2009) suggested that there is a positive association between N-nitrosamine intake and gastrointestinal cancer, especially rectal cancer (Loh et al. 2009). N-nitrosodiphenylamine has shown carcinogenic effects at levels of 1000 parts per million (ppm) to 4000 ppm in both sexes of rats, and there is induced transitional cell carcninoma of the urinary bladder of male and female mice. Dimethylamines and diethylamines are two of the most potent carcinogens among nitrosamines. 50 ppm of dimethylamines in the diet was found to produce malignant liver tumours in rats in 26 to 40 weeks. Meanwhile, higher doses were shown to cause kidney tumours. For diethylamines, a lag period between dosing and onset of tumours increases with dosage below 0.5 mg/kg, with the total tumour yield remaining roughly the same. There is not yet a clear threshold dose for carcinogenicity of nitrosamines in diet established (Shibamoto and Bjeldanes, 2009). According to the Netherlands Cohort study, nitrate and nitrite exposure based on food intake and drinking water show no significant elevation in stomach cancer occurrences, and shows no apparent trend (Larsson, Bergkvist and Wolk, 2006). On the other hand, there is evidence that long-tern consumption of drinking water which contains more than 4 mg/L nitrosamine has been positively associated with risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Although nitrates are absorbed quickly in mostly excreted within the next few hours, the internal dose or nitrosamine cannot be measured as a 24-hour urinary excretion. A study done by Levallios et al., (2000) showed that there is a stronger correlation between urinary nitrate excretions with dietary nitrate as compared to urinary nitrate excretion with water nitrate intake. Nevertheless, there is no relation found between nitrosamine excretions with nitrate intake. This might be due to low nitrate concentrations in water, thus causing it to be harder to observe for immediate effects. Further studies are required to determine if the use of urinary nitrosamine excretion as a biomarker of exposure is useful (Levallois et al., 2000). Food laws (limits) EU legislation allows nitrite and nitrate addition of 150 mg/kg respectively for each additive in meat products. On the other hand, Denmark only permits the use of 60 mg/kg of nitrites in meat preservation for Danish products (Herrmann, Duedahl-Olesen and Granby, 2015). Further studies are required to determine if the addition of 150 mg/kg or 60 mg/kg of nitrite added would cause an increase in average nitrosamine levels. On the other hand, there are no maximum limits established by EU for nitrosamine content in processed meat products. The United States had set a limit of 10  µg/kg of total volatile N-nitrosamine content for cured meat products (Crews, 2010). The highest amount of a contaminant allowed in drinking water is known as maximum contaminant level (MCL). The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a (MCL) for N-nitrosodiphenylamine of 7  µg/L (micrograms/Liter) or 7 ppb (parts per billion) based on a lifetime cancer risk of 1 in 1 000 000 (ATSDR, 2010). The EPA established a cancer risk if 0.7ng/kg body weight of N-nitrosodimethylamine is consumed daily. In drinking water, the maximum allowed concentration of N-nitrosodimethylamine in Canada is 40 ng/L and 10 ng/L in Germany (Mestankova et al., 2014). Although the EPA has not established a limit for maximum contaminant level in water, the California Department of Health Services has established 10 ng/L as notification level for action to be taken (Mestankova et al., 2014). The amounts of N-nitrosodiphenylamine in some commonly eaten foods are 0.023  µg/100g in buns, muffins and bagels, 0.149 µg/100g in ham, and even 0.109 µg/100g in oysters (Stuff et al., 2009). Current issues (worldwide) Apples from America have recently encountered some export issues to other countries due to its toxicity. In America, apples which are to be exported are treated with diphenylamine (DPA), which is a preservative added to prevent the apples from turning brown for as long as a few months. This is to prevent cold injury during cold storage, since apples are usually harvested once a year. By itself, DPA isn’t harmful, but it breaks down into carcinogenic elements, namely nitrosamines. The European Union has banned the use of DPA in 2012. They set the maximum allowable limit of DPA on apples to 0.1 parts per million (ppm). Nonetheless, DPA residues with an average reading of 0.42 ppm have been found on over 80 apple samples imported from America, which is well over the maximum allowed limit. Thus, the EU is banning apples from America, until the readings are found to be in accordance with the regulation (Lunder, 2014). Although the US EPA and World Health Organisation (WHO) found that long-tern exposure to DPA is unlikely to cause a public health concern, the EU maintains that absence of evidence of harm is not a strong enough indicator. The EU claims that there is insufficient testing regarding DPA to prove that their products as well as chemicals formed are safe to be consumed when broken down. The main source of concern is the presence of nitrosamines. As DPA is the most common chemical used for apples preservation, the presence of cancer-causing nitrosamines should present a great concern. References Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2010. Addendum to the  Toxicological Profile for N-nitrosodiphenylamine. Atlanta : ATSDR- Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine   Lunder, S. 2014. Behind Europe’s Apple Chemical Ban.  http://www.ewg.org/enviroblog/2014/04/apples. Retrieved 21 October 2014. Bryan, N.S., Alexander, D.D., Coughlin, J.R., Milkowski, A.L. and Boffeta, P. 2012. Ingested  Nitrate and Nitrite and Stomach Cancer Risk: An Updated Review. Food and Chemical Toxicology 50: 3646-3665 Crews, C. 2010. The Determination of N-nitrosamines in Food. Quality Assurance and Safety  of Crops Foods 2(1): 2-12 Gilchrist, M., Shore, A.C., and Benjamin, N. 2010. Inorganic Nitrate and Nitrite and Control  of Blood Pressure. Cardiovascular Research: 1-7 Hebels, D.G.A.J., Brauers, K.J.J., van Herwijnen, M.H.M., Georgiadis, P.A., Kyrtopoulos, S.A., Kleinjans, J.C.S., and de Kok, T.M.C.M. 2011 Time-Series Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles Induced by Nitrosamides and Nitrosamines Elucidates Modes of Action Underlying their Genotoxicity in Human Colon Cells. Toxicology Letters 207: 232-241. Herrmann, S.S., Duedahl-Olesen, L. and Granby, K. 2015. Occurrence of Volatile and Non-Volatile N-nitrosamines in Processed Meat Products and the Role of Heat Treatment. Food Control 48: 163-169 Larsson, S.C., Bergkvist, L., and Wolk, A. 2006. Processed Meat Consumption, Dietary  Nitrosamines and Stomach Cancer Risk in a Cohort of Swedish Women. International Journal of Cancer 119: 915–919. Levallois, P., Ayotte, P., Van Maanen, J.M.S., Desrosiers, T., Gingras, S., Dallinga, J.W., Vermeer, I.T.M., Zee, J., and Poirier, G. 2000. Excretion of Volatile Nitrosamines in a Rural Population in Relation to Food and Drinking Water Consumption. Food and Chemical Toxicology 38: 1013-1019. Loh, Y.H., Jakszyn, P., Luben, R.N., Mulligan, A.A., Mitrou, P.N. and Khaw, K.T. 2009. N-nitroso Compounds and Cancer Incidence: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nitrition (EPIC) – Norfolk Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 93: 1053-1061 Mestankova, H., Schirmer, K., Canonica, S. and von Gunten, U. 2014. Development of  Mutagenicity During Degradation of N-nitrosamines by Advanced Oxidation Processes. Water Research 66: 399-410. Ravnum, S., Runden-Pran, E., Fjellsbo, L.M., and Dusinska, M. 2014. Human Health Risk Assessment of Nitrosamines and Nitramines for Potential Application in CO2 Capture. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 69: 250 – 255. Shibamoto, T. and Bjeldanes, L. Introduction to Food Toxicology, Second Edition. UK:  Academic Press: 267 Stuff, J.E., Goh, E.T., Barrera, S.L., Bondy, M.L., and Forman, M.R. 2009. Construction of an  N-nitroso database for assessing dietary intake. Journal of Food Composition Anal 225: 542-577

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Essay examples -- Food Safe

Increasing awareness and concerns of consumers regarding food safety and quality, forced many food industries to enhance their products safety and quality by implementing quality assurance and safety management systems. In response to consumer pressure, many industries adopted Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system because it is well known preventative, cost effective system if implemented effectively, as well as it is required by law. HACCP can be identified as a systematic scheme to identify, evaluate and control the hazards. It can be applied to many types of products and processes from primary production to consumption (From farm to fork). However, before a HACCP system is carry out, some basic procedures need to be in place which is essential for food safety and it include factors to control raw materials ,personal hygiene and training ,operational control, waste management, good laboratory practice ,traceability and recall procedures. All of the above mentioned procedures can be under Prerequisite programmes (PRPs) term which was first described by WHO. (Wareing, 2010) Moreover, in order to maintain and strength the HACCP system, quality management system should be integrated such as ISO 9000. ISO 9000 sires of standards are requirements that must be addressed by each company to meet product specification and customer demands every time and on time. (6) Regular management review of problems and customer complaints besides the records and corrective action is undertaken by ISO 9000 quality systems. In fact, the majority of larger food companies have a consumer service section and technical one in turn to handle consumer safety and quality issue as well as communication with the competent authoritie... ...s the radio frequency identification systems (RFID) where the information can be read by a radio frequency link. (FSA, 2002) Moreover, within EUs laws each animal must be tagged with certain information like their origin, the date for slaughtering, and after that stamp them with the abattoir traceability code. (EU ,2007) Overall, traceability system is considered one of the pre-requisite programmes and without such programmes in place, HACCP system will be ineffective. In addition, traceability system is a legislative requirement in which require on each pack a special batch code to aid in product recalls in case of detecting any problem and withdrawal it from the market before reaching the consumer hand and to facilitate international trade ,thus protecting both consumer health and reputation of the food industry . References:

Monday, November 11, 2019

All About Smoking in the Philippines Essay

The campaign against smoking, which kills close to 90,000 people a year in the Philippines – on a par with the number of deaths in natural disasters or conflicts – is becoming a losing battle. â€Å"My friends look so cool smoking,† Arnold Santos of Mandaluyong City said, who took up the habit out of peer pressure. â€Å"Now, I smoke 10 cigarettes a day,† the 17-year-old, who has no plans of quitting just yet, said. Despite the passage of the Tobacco Control Act, more Filipino youths are now smoking, â€Å"indicating that the law has not been effective†, Maricar Limpin, executive director of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Alliance Philippines (FCAP), said. The 2003 act sets both the guidelines for and regulation of the packaging, sale, distribution and advertisements of tobacco products. Among others, it mandates the printing of warnings in either English or Filipino of the harmful effects of smoking. Yet a recent global youth tobacco survey showed that smoking prevalence among Filipino youth had jumped from 15 percent in 2003 to 21.6 percent in 2007. â€Å"We are losing the war against smoking,† Limpin conceded. At least 240 Filipinos die each day – 87,600 a year – from smoking-related diseases such as lung cancer, cardiac arrest, stroke and other chronic-obstructive lung failures, the health department reported. These figures are based on the 2005-2006 Tobacco and Poverty Study in the Philippines conducted by the College of Public Health of the University of the Philippines, National Epidemiology Center of the Department of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO). The figures are higher than Malaysia and Vietnam, where 10,000 and 40,000 people respectively die each year from smoking-related diseases, but lower than Indonesia, where 400,000 people die annually. Graphic warnings Since 2007, separate bills have been pending with lawmakers to introduce the printing of graphic health warnings. An FCAP survey on 10,000 Filipino youths revealed they were more receptive to graphic warnings than text warnings. Limpin said the survey showed that the graphic design had a better ability to convey the health risks related to smoking and some said it stopped them from buying cigarettes. While the visual warning has little effect on long-time smokers, preventing young people from taking up the habit would deny tobacco companies a new market, Limpin said. â€Å"The industry knows that the introduction of graphic warnings threatens its future market,† Limpin said. In the Senate, the bill is now being discussed in the plenary. But in the House, composed of district and party list representatives from all 78 provinces, the bill has not passed the committee level because of opposition from legislators. â€Å"It is being blocked because of fears it could kill the tobacco industry,† Northern Samar Rep. Paul Daza, main author of the anti-smoking bill, said. According to the National Tobacco Authority, more than 57,000 farmers are engaged in tobacco farming. La Union Rep. Victor Francisco said the main flaw of the bill was that it would raise the prices of local tobacco products compared with imports. To compete, local manufacturers would have no choice but to increase their prices because of the additional cost, he said. In addition, the bill failed to factor in the repercussions on local livelihoods; almost two million people depend on the tobacco industry. â€Å"Our tobacco farmers, especially in the north, cannot easily shift to other crops because the soil is not compatible with other produce,† Francisco said. The WHO’s Tobacco Framework Convention on Tobacco, to which the Philippines is a signatory, recommends the use of effective campaigns against tobacco consumption. Article 11 requires that state signatories adopt effective measures by September 2008, but the Philippines missed the deadline. Filed under medicine, philippines Harmful Health Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes The harmful health effects of smoking cigarettes presented in the list below only begin to convey the long term side effects of smoking. Quitting makes sense for many reasons but simply put: smoking is bad for health. Harmful Effects of Smoking * Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes – Smoking KILLS. * One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age. * Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of cancers. * The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels. * This can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated. * Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year. * Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into their lungs. * Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs. * Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain of smoking effects on the body often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure. * Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. * Heart disease and strokes are also more common among smokers than non-smokers. * Smoking causes fat deposits to narrow and block blood vessels which leads to heart attack. * Smoking causes around one in five deaths from heart disease. * In younger people, three out of four deaths from heart disease are due to smoking. * Cigarette smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight, prematurity, spontaneous abortion, and perinatal mortality in humans, which has been referred to as the fetal tobacco syndrome. As mentioned earlier, this list can only begin to convey the harmful health effects of smoking cigarettes and its long term side effects. Next we consider reasons why smoking is bad for those around you in the effects of second hand smoke. Quit-Smoking-Stop.com  ©2011 Len Johnson. All Rights Reserved. – Medical Disclaimer – Privacy – Advantages and Disadvantages of Smoking Smoking is a bad habit widespread among teenagers.It contains dangerous items which destroy the human brain and lungs. It causes different diseases such as cancer in different areas in the human body. From the religious point of view,it’s prohibited . There are different clear versuses in the Holy Qura’n as God says;†Don’t throw yourself in the destroy.† The reason of the teenagers’ smoking is based on psychologica factors.Through smoking they think they show people that they are adult and can do whatever they want. Advantages and Disadvantages of Smoking The great tobacco debate has been going on for years. Ever since it was determined that smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer, along with a host of other diseases, non-smokers have been railing against the evils of cigarettes, while many smokers have clung to their tobacco like a miser with his last penny. But the question is, are the smokers right? Are there indeed advantages to tobacco use? Die-hard cigarette users claim many benefits to smoking, some are the following: * Peer group acceptance if peers smoke * Effective weight loss aid * Performance enhancement in tasks requiring * concentration * Stress relief * Some smokers truly enjoy the taste There are issues with most of these perceived advantages. If a smoker attempts to change peer groups, they could find smoking to be a barrier to acceptance. The performance enhancement is minimal after the first few cigarettes a smoker has in their lifetime; from that point on, it is just a perception of enhancement based on the memory of those initial cigarettes. Weight loss and stress relief could be as effectively obtained by other, healthier means. Therefore the only valid advantage is if a smoker really enjoys the taste, but one has to wonder if they don’t enjoy the taste of the cigarette merely because they cannot taste anything else. The disadvantages to smoking are far more numerous, and much harder to argue against, a sampling of them include: * Death from disease caused by smoking * Diseases (even if they don’t cause death) * Lung Cancer * Throat Cancer * Mouth Cancer * Many other types of cancer have also been linked to tobacco use * Emphysema * COPD * Asthma * Decreased lung function * Advanced signs of aging * Cost of cigarettes, applicable taxes and paraphernalia such as lighters * Decreased acceptance by non-smoking peers * The lingering odor of smoke on body and clothing * Lowered ability to exercise due to inability to breathe * Cost of stop-smoking aids when the decision to quit is made It is clear that the disadvantages of smoking far outweigh any perceived advantages. While there is a cost associated with quitting, over time the damage smoking had done to the body can reverse itself if a person ceases tobacco use. This puts that cost into perspective, especially when compared to the thousands of dollars spent every year on smoking. With all the disadvantages to continued smoking and no real advantages to it, isn’t it time you saved your health and your money by putting in the effort to become tobacco-free? How To Quit Smoking†¦And Quit For Keeps U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of HealthINTRODUCTIONThis guides you from thinking about stopping through actually doing it – from the day you quit to quitting for keeps. It gives tips on fighting temptation – and what to do if you give in – and on avoiding weight gain (a handy Snack Calorie Chart is included). By telling you what to expect, it can help you through the day-to-day process of becoming and remaining a nonsmoker.Here you’ll find a variety of tips and helpful hints on kicking your smoking habit. Take a few moments to look at each suggestion carefully. Pick those you feel comfortable with, and decide today that you’re going to use them to quit. It may take a while to find the combination that’s right for you, but you can quit for good, even if you’ve tried to quit before.Many smokers have successfully given up cigarettes by replacing them with new habits, without quittin g â€Å"cold turkey,† planning a special program, or seeking professional help. The following approaches include many of those most popular with ex-smokers. Remember that successful methods are as different as the people who use them. What may seem silly to others may be just what you need to quit – so don’t be embarrassed to try something new. These methods can make your own personal efforts a little easier.Pick the ideas that make sense to you. And then follow through – you’ll have a much better chance of success. PREPARING YOURSELF FOR  QUITTING†¦ * Decide positively that you want to quit. Try to avoid negative thoughts about how difficult it might be. * List all the reasons you want to quit. Every night before going to bed, repeat one of the reasons 10 times. * Develop strong personal reasons in addition to your health and obligations to others. For example, think of all the time you waste taking cigarette breaks, rushing out to buy a pack, hunting for a light, etc. * Begin to condition yourself physically: Start a modest exercise program; drink more fluids; get plenty of rest; and avoid fatigue. * Set a target date for quitting – perhaps a special day such as your birthday, your anniversary, or the Great American Smokeout. If you smoke heavily at work, quit during your vacation so that you’re already committed to quitting when you return. Make the date sacred, and don’t let anything change it. This will make it easy for you to keep track of the day you became a nonsmoker and to celebrate that date every year.| | | KNOWING WHAT TO EXPECT†¦ * Have realistic expectations – quitting isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible either. More than 3 million Americans quit every year. * Understand that withdrawal symptoms are TEMPORARY. They usually last only 1-2 weeks. * Know that most relapses occur in the first week after quitting, when withdrawal symptoms are strongest and your body is still dependent on nicotine. Be aware that this will be your hardest time, and use all your personal resources – willpower, family, friends, and the tips in this booklet – to get you through this critical period successfully. * Know that most other relapses occur in the first 3 mo nths after quitting, with situational triggers – such as a particularly stressful event – occur unexpectedly. These are the times when people reach for cigarettes automatically, because they associate smoking with relaxing. This is the kind of situation that’s hard to prepare yourself for until it happens, so it’s especially important to recognize it if it does happen. Remember that smoking is a habit, but a habit you can break. * Realize that most successful ex-smokers quit for good only after several attempts. You may be one of those who can quit your first try. But if you’re not, DON’T GIVE UP. Try again.INVOLVING SOMEONE ELSE†¦ * Bet a friend you can quit on your target date. Put your cigarette money aside for every day, and forfeit it if you smoke. (But if you do smoke, DON’T GIVE UP. Simply strengthen your resolve and try again.) * Ask your spouse or a friend to quit with you. * Tell your family and friends that you’re quitting and when. They can be an important source of support, both before and after you quit. * Alta Mira Recovery offers an inpatient nicotine cessation program designed for long-term, chronic smokers.WAYS OF QUITTING†¦Switch brands * Switch to a brand you find distasteful. * Change to a brand that’s low in tar and nicotine a couple of weeks before your target date. This will help change your smoking behavior. However, DO NOT smoke more cigarettes, inhale them more often or more deeply, or place your fingertips over the holes in the filters. All of these will increase your nicotine intake, and the idea is to get your body used to functioning without nicotine.Cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke * Smoke only half of each cigarette. * Each day, postpone lighting your first cigarette 1 hour. * Decide you’ll smoke only during odd or even hours of the day. * Decide beforehand how many cigarettes you’ll sm oke during the day. For each additional cigarette, give a dollar to your favorite charity. * Change your eating habits to help you cut down. For example, drink milk, which many people consider incompatible with smoking. End meals or snacks with something that won’t lead to a cigarette. * Reach for a glass of juice instead of a cigarette for a â€Å"pick-me-up.† * Remember: Cutting down can help you quit, but it’s not a substitute for quitting. If you’re down to about seven cigarettes a day, it’s time to set your target date and get ready to stick to it.Don’t Smoke â€Å"Automatically† * Smoke only those cigarettes you really want. Catch yourself before you light up a cigarette out of pure habit. * Don’t empty your ashtrays. This will remind you of how many cigarettes you’ve smoked each day, and the sight and smell of stale butts will be very unpleasant. * Make yourself aware of each cigarette by using the opposite hand or putting cigarettes in an unfamiliar location or a different pocket to break the automatic reach. * If you light up many times during the day without even thinking about it, try to look in a mirror each time you put a match to your cigarette – you may decide you don’t need it.Make smoking inconvenient * Stop buying cigarettes by the carton. Wait until one pack is empty before you buy another. * Stop carrying cigarettes with you at home and at work. Make them difficult to get to.Make smoking unpleasant * Smoke only under circumstances that aren’t especially pleasurable for you. If you like to smoke with others, smoke alone. Turn your chair toward an empty corner and  focus only on the cigarette you are smoking and its many negative effects. * Collect all you cigarette butts in one large glass container as a visual reminder of the filth smoking represents.JUST BEFORE QUITTING†¦ * Practice going without cigarettes. * Don’t think of NEVER smoking again. Think of quitting in terms of 1 day at a time. * Tell yourself you won’t smoke today, and then don’t. * Clean your clothes to rid them of the cigarette smell, which can linger a long time.ON THE DAY YOU QUIT†¦ * Throw away all your cigarettes and matches. Hide your lighters and ashtrays. * Visit the dentist and have your teeth cleaned to get rid of tobacco stains. Notice how nice they look, and resolve to keep them that way. * Make a list of things you’d like to buy for yourself or someone else. Estimate the cost in terms of packs of cigarettes, and put the money aside to buy these presents. * Keep very busy on the big day. Go to the movies, exercise, take long walks, go bike riding. * Remind your family and friends that this is your quit date, and ask them to help you over the rough spots of the first couple of days and weeks. * Buy yourself a treat or do something special to celebrate.IMMEDIATELY AFTER QUITTING†¦ * Develop a clean, fresh, nonsmoking environment around yourself – at work and at home. Buy yourself flowers – you may be surprised how much you can enjoy their scent now. * The first few days after you quit smoking, spend as much free time as possible in places where smoking isn’t allowed, such as libraries, museums, theaters, department stores, and churches. * Drink large quantities of water and fruit juice (but avoid sodas that contain caffeine). * Try to avoid alcohol, coffee, and other beverages that you associate with cigarette smoking. * Strike up a conversation instead of a match for a cigarette. * If you miss the sensation of having a cigarette in your hand, play with something else – a pencil, a paper clip, a marble. * If you miss having something in your mouth, try toothpicks or a fake cigarette.Avoid temptation * Instead of smoking after meals, get up from the table and brush your teeth or go for a walk. * If you always smoke while driving, listen to a particularly interesting radio program or your favorite music, or take public transportation for a while, if you can. * For the first 1-3 weeks, avoid situations you strongly as sociate with the pleasurable aspects of smoking, such as watching your favorite TV program, sitting in your favorite chair, or having a cocktail before dinner. *  Until you’re confident of your ability to stay off cigarettes, limit your socializing to healthful, outdoor activities or situations where smoking isn’t allowed. * If you must be in a situation where you’ll be tempted to smoke (such as a cocktail or dinner party), try to associate with the nonsmokers there. * Try to analyze cigarette ads to understand how they attempt to â€Å"sell† you on individual brands.Find new habits * Change your habits to make smoking difficult, impossible, or unnecessary. For example, it’s hard to smoke when you’re swimming, jogging, or playing tennis or handball. When your desire for a cigarette is intense, wash your hands or the dishes, or try new recipes. * Do things that require you to use your hands. Try crossword puzzles, needlework, gardening, or household chores. Go bike riding; take the dog for a walk; give yourself a manicure; write letters. * Enjoy having a clean-mouth taste and maintain it by brushin g your teeth frequently and using a mouthwash. * Stretch a lot. * Get plenty of rest. * Pay attention to your appearance. Look and feel sharp. * Try to find time for the activities that are the most meaningful, satisfying, and important to you.When you get the crazies * Keep oral substitutes handy – try carrots, pickles, sunflower seeds, apples, celery, raisins, or sugarless gum instead of a cigarette. * Take 10 deep breaths and hold the last one while lighting a match. Exhale slowly and blow out the match. Pretend it’s a cigarette and crush it out in an ashtray. * Take a shower or bath if possible. * Learn to relax quickly and deeply. Make yourself limp, visualize a soothing, pleasing situation, and get away from it all for a moment. Concentrate on that peaceful image and nothing else. * Light incense or a candle instead of a cigarette. * Never allow yourself to think that â€Å"one won’t hurt† – it will.About gaining weightMany people who’re considering quitting are very concerned about gaining weight. If you’re concerned about gaining weight, keep these points in mind: * Q uitting doesn’t mean you’ll automatically gain weight. When people gain, most of the time it’s because they eat more once they’ve quit. * The benefits of giving up cigarettes far outweigh the drawbacks of adding a few extra pounds. You’d have to gain a very large amount of weight to offset the many substantial health benefits that a normal smoker gains by quitting. Watch what you eat, and if you’re concerned about gaining weight, consider the following tips:Tips to help you avoid weight gain†¦ * Make sure you  have a well-balanced diet, with the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. * Don’t set a target date for a holiday, when the temptation of high-calorie food and drinks may be too hard to resist. * Drink a glass of water before your meals. * Weigh yourself weekly. * Chew sugarless gum when you want sweet foods. * Plan menus carefully, and count calories. Don’t try to lose weight – just try to maintain your prequitting weight. * Have low-calorie foods on hand for nibbling. Use the Snack Calorie Chart to choose foods that are both nutritious and low in calories . Some good choices are fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, low-fat cottage cheese, and air-popped popcorn without butter. * Take time for daily exercise, or join an organized exercise group.| 5 Simple Methods to Treat Smoking Addiction By Waqar Akhtar Smoking addiction popularly refers to the formation of an uncontrollable urge to smoke nicotine-induced tobacco cigarettes. This usually causes smokers of all ages to become dependent on cigarettes down to the point where kicking the habit causes severe mental, emotional, and even physical reactions. Various studies have presented statistical research that claims 2 out of 5 smokers may have higher percentages of dying at an early age due to their smoking addiction or by other causes related to smoking such as heart disease and cancer. Only a small percentage of those who have tried to quit smoking have succeeded to kick the habit. Based on various studies, 2 out of 30 smokers may stop smoking in an indefinite or permanent amount of time as opposed to the others who may stop the habit of smoking nicotine-induced cigarettes in intermittent periods of a day to a month or more. Here are some tips for those who want to quit smoking: 1. Motivation is key – this means that you should always be highly motivated to resolve your addiction on your own. You should make it a point to feel the urge to quit smoking more than the urge to smoke a few cigarettes a day until you attain your intentions of totally eradicating the addiction from your system. Gradually reducing your cigarette consumption may just lead to binges here and there, so you should set a schedule wherein you intend to completely stop smoking and stick with it at all times. 2. Support helps – this means that you should seek a support group amongst your family and friends. They will often  at times be very accommodating of your needs when it comes to your purpose of kicking your smoking addiction. They may avoid smoking whenever you’re with them since this would help reduce your cravings for cigarettes. This would also inform them about your intentions that would lead them to understand the changes in your personality since it has been known that withdrawals from nicotine-induced cigarettes often lead to irritability and depression among other emotional and mental symptoms. 3. Medical assistance is an option – this means that you should consider consulting with your physician when it comes to quitting. This is because smoking addiction is now treated as a medical condition just like other addictions to regulated substances such as heroin and cocaine. These medical specialists may offer you support in terms of prescribing drugs and dietary programs that best suit your intentions of kicking the smoking habit. 4. Calculate the cost of your addiction – this can help some smokers to get rid of their smoking addiction once and for all, but it may not work for others. You need to think about the money you spend for financing your deadly habit, and the various things you could gain by channeling your ‘cigarette money’ to your family’s needs. You need to set up some sort of financial plan to best support your intentions of getting rid of your smoking addiction since this would add to the advantages you could gain once you successfully kick the habit out of your system. 5. Consider the health of others – this is especially effective for smokers who live with their family and children. As passive smoking is more of a risk to children and adults alike than smoking itself, you should think about the people you endanger along with yourself whenever you smoke a cigarette at home or wherever you are with them.