Thursday, October 31, 2019

Human Resource Management at Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Human Resource Management at Work - Essay Example In this situation, it is essential that employees perceive constant organizational support and are motivated to improve their workplace performance. HR leadership and management strategies will play the vital role in bringing organizations in the leisure industry toward their strategic goals. That HRM decisions produce a multitude of effects on the quality of performance in organizations is a well-known fact. Brendon Jones, Ltd is no exception. In its current situation, the company has several strategic options to choose from. While the company is losing its market position and experiences a rapid decline in consumer satisfaction, its principal task is to improve its stability and position in the leisure industry and retain its consumers. Also, the company must ensure that the number of new consumers constantly increases and, most importantly, that new and existing consumers are satisfied with the quality of its entertainment services. Advertising looks like the primary and the most promising solution to the customer issues: while Brendon Jones, Ltd is losing its consumers, a well-developed advertising campaign could help it to revive its brand and popularity and attract new customers. Attractive as it may look, advertising and brand revival will not resolve the companyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s organizational issues from within. Advertising is just an instrument of popularity and competitiveness in a short-term perspective. In no way does advertising help to raise the efficiency of business operations at Brendon Jones, Ltd. Therefore, the organization could try to reconsider its budget and financial expenses, to open new parks or develop new, sophisticated attractions. Apparently, the success of the leisure industry organizations is in whether they can surprise their consumers. The more surprising and sophisticated attractions are the more interested

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ethnic Dining, Italian Style Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Dining, Italian Style Essay On Saturday, September 15, 2007 I dined at Frankie, Johnnie and Luigi, Too. This Italian style restaurant on Prospect Road in San Jose, California is renowned for its authentic food. The phone number at the establishment is 408-446-9644. The restaurant features home-style Southern Italian cuisine. They like to brag that they do traditional pizza pie and do not serve American Yuppie offerings. The menu includes pasta, naturally, along with veal and prawn dishes. Italian sausages were suggested by the wait-staff as well. The atmosphere is red-checkered table-cloth chic which makes it more upscale than a Pizza Hut but lets the diner know it is homely and not five star pretentious. Like any country, the food of Italy varies by region, with the areas which produce more pork given to sausages and ham dishes while milk producing lands serving up a cuisine laden with dairy. The south produces veal and seafood along with signature pastas. I chose the prawn penne. The Italian food served in the United States is often Americanized to the point that it would be virtually unrecognizable to a native Italian but Frankie, Johnny and Luigi, Too makes claims of being authentic. The manager, in a long talk with us at our table, mentioned that the foods of Italy came to this country with the immigrants but didn’t begin to enter mainstream America until post World War II when pizzerias began to flourish in large cities and Dean Martin sang That’s Amore, including a line that went, â€Å"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore. It’s impact on America and American palates is subtle. Where American food is heavy on meat and potatoes the Italian cuisine is richer in flavor, using strong cheeses and cured meats as a savory more so than a main ingredient. Their olive oil is healthier than the hog lard and butter which Americans once used with abandon. The tomato, such an integral part of Italian regional food, was a gift from the New World over five hundred years ago but the Italians made it their own (Kotkin 2007) and brought it back to us in sauces cooked up by newly arrived immigrants. My dining experience was most pleasant and the samples I managed to glean from my dining companion’s platter added to the home-like atmosphere. The camaraderie was evident from the waiters to the manager who came by our table to inquire as to how we were getting along with our meal. It seemed to me that I could have been in a Southern Italian home in the middle of a holiday if I but used my imagination. I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the meal from the ante-pasta to the coffee I sipped at the close of the meal.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cyber Bullying and Racial Discrimination

Cyber Bullying and Racial Discrimination Melissa Hui Xin Yue Q3: In the recent times, cyber bullying and hate mongering towards people groups have increased, especially in social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism and other forms of similar negative impressions have dominated cyber space. Analytically discuss ways and means to combat the above mentioned phenomena in an amicable and workable manner. According to Bill Belsey (2000), cyberbullying is defined as activity that involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated and hostile behaviour by an individual or group that is intended to harm others. In this digital era, it is without a doubt that most children have their own cell phones, and with the fast Internet connectivity, it is safe to assume that most of the children has at least one social media account. This increase the chance of them being a cyberbully or being cyberbullied. Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism is generally associated with bullying. In a 1991 Runnymede Trust Report, Islamophobia was defined as hostility towards Muslims, and therefore fear or dislike of all or most Muslims. Whereas Anti-Semitism is the prejudice, discrimination and hatred of Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or a racial group (Lipset, 1969). These cyberbullying activities can be stopped and prevented by raising awareness for Islamic practice s and Judaism, have counselling for students who are being cyberbullied and government’s efforts in stopping cyberbully. Cyberbullying activities towards Jews and Muslims is a problem that can be stopped by raising awareness about Islamic practices and Judaism. Awareness can be raised by operating campaigns about Islamic belief and Judaism. These campaigns should run throughout the whole year in schools and also in public areas. Governments and schools should see the brighter side of these two religions instead of stereotyping them as terrorist in accordance to what have happened in the events of 9/11 Attacks in New York (2001) and Charlie Hebdo killings (2014). According to Martin et al. (2011), stereotyping is categorizing information about others in daily life. Campaigns should have activities like cultural talks about what Islamic beliefs and Judaism are about. What could be better than a little bit of eye candy to catch your attention? Clothing and accessories can be used as a media to spread awareness. Example, you can wear a blue t-shirt in support of Islamic beliefs and Judaism. Games and activ ities with the Muslims and Jews will show how friendly and fun they are in contrast of the stereotypes that people have about them. Student exchange programmes are a good way to raise awareness on Muslim students or Jewish students. These students can show their host families about their religion and culture, prompting their host families to stop having stereotypes towards the students’ religion. In response to the event September 11, 2001, Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program is one of the programme that provides scholarship for students from Islamic countries to learn about American society and values (YESprograms, 2002). With raising awareness, this will help the students and society to not be afraid of Muslims and Jews. Thus, discrimination and cyberbullying towards Muslims and Jews will decrease because they understand and empathize that everyone in the world has feelings. Counselling is a great way to stop cyberbullying. Although you might think that counselling will not do much change, but in fact, according to Bower and Rowland (2006), counselling is more effective than usual care, people receiving counselling is likely to be satisfied after treatment. Muslims and Jews who are being cyberbullied can go to see a counsellor whether at school or outside of school. Victims can choose to join either one-on-one sessions if they are too shy or they can join group sessions where they get to listen to other victims’ experiences. Listening to other victims can help them because they empathize with the victims. Based on Dr Brenà © Brown’s research (2010), she defines shame as the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging. When a victim decides to share his or her experience, the victim is being courageous to face his or her problem. Counsellors should always encourage the victims to talk about their feelings and relieve their stress about being in their own religion. Group sessions not only have experience sharing, but also should have games and activities to bring the victims together and show them that they are not alone. Dr Brenà © Brown once said, â€Å"To practice courage and compassion is to look at life and people around us†. Counsellors should teach the victims the ways to protect themselves when they are being cyberbullied, like reporting to the police or blocking the cyberbully on internet. No doubt that counselling is able to make an impact in the lives of victims of cyberbully. The Government should do their parts in stopping cyberbullying toward Muslims and Jews. Whenever victims report about cyberbullying, the police should not turn a blind eye over them just because the police is Islamophobia or Anti-Semitism. Police should be fair and just when it comes to criminal and law-breaking citizens. B.F. Skinner (1938) coined the term operant conditioning; it means roughly changing of behaviour by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response. If the cyberbully is a student, the school should give warning to the cyberbully. The cyberbully must undergo charity hours if caught cyberbullying anyone if caught by the school. These charity hours help them to reflect on themselves for what they have done so that they will not repeat it again. Governments should take away the cyberbullies’ electronic devices and internet when they are caught cyberbullying. Government should impose and reinforce the laws on cyberbullying. Hiring more cyber po lices will help to decrease the cyberbullying rate. Actions will be taken if the cyber police accepts bribery from the cyberbully. Incentives can be given by the government for the non-profit counselling groups that help the victims of cyberbullying. The government should provide a building for the non-profit counselling groups to do their activities in. By doing this, the government is helping the victims indirectly because the government provided facilities for the counselling groups. Thus, Muslims and Jews can share their emotions and relieve their stress caused by cyberbullying. Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism should not be the topic for cyberbullying nor should any characteristics be used as a topic for cyberbullying. You may not be the ones being cyberbullied, maybe one day your child might be cyberbullied. Being born into your own race is not your fault or your choice, we cannot change our race and should not discriminate other race as well. So, let us make an effort to stop cyberbully towards Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism by raising awareness, counselling sessions and also government’s efforts in stopping cyberbullying. References: Belsey, B. (2000). Cyberbullying. Retrieved March 10, 2015, from Defining Islamophobia (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2015, from 9/11 Attacks. (2010). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Charlie Hebdo and its satirical role. (2015, January 8). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from About YES Program. (2001, January 1). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Lipset, S. M., â€Å"The Socialism of Fools- The Left, the Jews and Israel,† Encounter, (December 1969), p.24 Retrieved March 11, 2015 Martin, J.N. , Nakayama, T.K. (2011), Experiencing Intercultural Communication, McGraw-Hill International Edition Bower Peter, J. and N. Rowland (2006) Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of counselling in primary care. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Retrieved March 12, 2015 Brown, B. (2010, September 1). The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think Youre Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. Retrieved March 12, 2015 Skinner, B. F. (1938).The Behavior of organisms: An experimental analysis. New York: Appleton-Century.

Friday, October 25, 2019

King Lear - Theme of Blindness Essay -- essays research papers

King Lear - Theme of Blindness In Shakespearean terms, blinds means a whole different thing. Blindness can normally be defined as the inability of the eye to see, but according to Shakespeare, blindness is not a physical quality, but a mental flaw some people possess. Shakespeare’s most dominant theme in his play King Lear is that of blindness. King Lear, Gloucester, and Albany are three prime examples Shakespeare incorporates this theme into. Each of these character’s blindness was the primary cause of the bad decisions they made; decisions which all of them would eventually come to regret. The blindest bat of all was undoubtedly King Lear. Because of Lear’s high position in society, he was supposed to be able to distinguish the good from the bad; unfortunately, his lack of sight prevented him to do so. Lear’s first act of blindness came at the beginning of the play. First, he was easily deceived by his two eldest daughters’ lies, then, he was unable to see the reality of Cordel ia’s true love for him, and as a result, banished her from his kingdom with the following words: â€Å"..................................for we Have no such daughter, nor shall ever see That face of her again. Therefore be gone Without our grace, our love, our benison.† (Act I, Sc I, Ln 265-267) Lear’s blindness also caused him to banish one of his loyal followers, Kent. Kent was able to see Cordelia’s true love for her father, and tried to protect her from her blind father’s irrationality. After Kent wa...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wildlife: Biodiversity and Net Deforestation Rates

Around the world, forests are being logged for timber and paper pulp and cleared to grow mono-crops like soy and palm oil while they are deteriorating from the impacts of global warming. Deforestation is a major driver of global warming, responsible for up to 20 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions–more than all the cars, trucks, planes, boats and trains in the world combined. Deforestation doesn’t just threaten our climate, it threatens the livelihoods of 1. 6 Billion people that rely on forests for food and economic activity.Forests also serve as habitats to rare and undiscovered animal and plant species and play a key role in providing water and preventing flooding and erosion. Ending deforestation and protecting forests will not only preserve biodiversity and defend the rights of forest communities, it is also one of the quickest and cost effective ways of curbing global warming. Greenpeace is campaigning for zero deforestation, globally, by 2020. Deforestati on,  clearance  or  clearing  is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use. 1]  Examples of deforestation include conversion of forestland to farms, ranches, or urban use. About half of the world's original forests had been destroyed by 2011, the majority during the previous 50 years. [citation needed]  Since 1990 half of the world's  rain forests  have been destroyed. [citation needed]  More than half of the animal and plant species in the world live in tropical forests. [2] The term  deforestation  is often misused to describe any activity where all trees in an area are removed. not in citation given][neutrality  is  disputed]  However in  temperate climates, the  removal of all trees in an area[not in citation given]—in conformance with  sustainable forestry  practices—is correctly described as  regeneration harvest. [3]  In  temperate mesic climates, natural regener ation of forest stands often will not occur in the absence of disturbance, whether natural or anthropogenic. [4]  Furthermore, biodiversity after regeneration harvest often mimics that found after natural disturbance, including biodiversity loss after naturally occurring rainforest destruction. 5][6] Deforestation occurs for many reasons: trees are cut down to be used or sold as fuel (sometimes in the form of  charcoal) or timber, while cleared land is used as  pasture  for livestock, plantations of commodities and settlements. The removal of trees without sufficient  reforestation  has resulted in damage to  habitat,  biodiversity  loss and  aridity. It has adverse impacts on  biosequestration  of atmospheric  carbon dioxide. Deforestation has also been used in  war  to deprive an enemy of cover for its forces and also vital resources.A modern example of this was the use of  Agent Orangeby the United States military in Vietnam during the  Vietnam W ar. Deforested regions typically incur significant adverse  soil erosion  and frequently degrade into  wasteland. Disregard or ignorance of intrinsic value, lack of ascribed value, lax forest management and deficient environmental laws are some of the factors that allow deforestation to occur on a large scale. In many countries, deforestation, both naturally occurring and human induced, is an ongoing issue.Deforestation causes  extinction, changes to climatic conditions,  desertification, and displacement of populations as observed by current conditions and in the past through the fossil record. [5] Among countries with a per capita  GDP  of at least US$4,600, net deforestation rates have ceased to increase. [when? ][7][8] ————————————————- Causes According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat, the overwhelming dir ect cause of deforestation is agriculture.Subsistence farming  is responsible for 48% of deforestation;  commercial agriculture  is responsible for 32% of deforestation;  logging  is responsible for 14% of deforestation and fuel wood removals make up 5% of deforestation. [9] Experts do not agree on whether industrial logging is an important contributor to global deforestation. [10][11]  Some argue that poor people are more likely to clear forest because they have no alternatives, others that the poor lack the ability to pay for the materials and labour needed to clear forest. 10]  One study found that population increases due to high fertility rates were a primary driver of tropical deforestation in only 8% of cases. [12] Other causes of contemporary deforestation may include  corruption  of government institutions,[13][14]  the  inequitable  distribution of wealth and power,[15]  population growth[16]  andoverpopulation,[17][18]  and  urbanization. [ 19]  Globalization  is often viewed as another root cause of deforestation,[20][21]  though there are cases in which the impacts of globalization (new ? ws of labor, capital, commodities, and ideas) have promoted localized forest recovery. [22] The last batch of sawnwood from thepeat forest  in Indragiri Hulu, Sumatra,Indonesia. Deforestation for  oil palmplantation. In 2000 the United Nations  Food and Agriculture Organization  (FAO) found that â€Å"the role of population dynamics in a local setting may vary from decisive to negligible,† and that deforestation can result from â€Å"a combination of population pressure and stagnating economic, social and technological conditions. [16] The degradation of forest ecosystems has also been traced to economic incentives that make forest conversion appear more profitable than forest conservation. [23]  Many important forest functions have no markets, and hence, no economic value that is readily apparent to the fore sts' owners or the communities that rely on forests for their well-being. [23]  From the perspective of the developing world, the benefits of forest as carbon sinks or biodiversity reserves go primarily to richer developed nations and there is insufficient compensation for these services.Developing countries feel that some countries in the developed world, such as the United States of America, cut down their forests centuries ago and benefited greatly from this deforestation, and that it is hypocritical to deny developing countries the same opportunities: that the poor shouldn't have to bear the cost of preservation when the rich created the problem. [24] Some commentators have noted a shift in the drivers of deforestation over the past 30 years. 25]  Whereas deforestation was primarily driven by subsistence activities and government-sponsored development projects like  transmigration  in countries like  Indonesia  and  colonization  in  Latin America,India,  Jav a, and so on, during late 19th century and the earlier half of the 20th century. By the 1990s the majority of deforestation was caused by industrial factors, including extractive industries, large-scale cattle ranching, and extensive agriculture. [26] [edit] Wildlife conservation  is the practice of protecting  endangered plant and animal species  and their  habitats.Among the goals of wildlife conservation are to ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and to recognize the importance of  wildlife  and  wilderness  lands to humans. [1]Many nations are  government agencies  dedicated to wildlife conservation, which help to implement policies designed to protect wildlife. Numerous independent  nonprofit organizations  also promote various wildlife conservation causes. [2] Wildlife conservation has become an increasingly important practice due to the negative effects of  human activity  on  wildlife. The science of extinction.An e ndangered species is defined as a population of a living being that is at the danger of becoming extinct because of several reasons. Either they are few in number or are threatened by the varying environmental or predation parameters. ————————————————- Government involvement The Wildlife Conservation Act was enacted by the Government of India in 1972. Soon after the trend of policy makers enacting regulations on conservation a strategy was developed to allow actors, both government and non-government, to follow a detailed â€Å"framework† to successful conservation.The World Conservation Strategy was developed in 1980 by the â€Å"International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources â€Å"(IUCN) with advice, cooperation and financial assistance of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Wildlife Fund and in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco)†[9]  The strategy aims to â€Å"provide an intellectual framework and practical guidance for conservation actions. [9]  This thorough guidebook covers everything from the intended â€Å"users† of the strategy to its very priorities and even a map section containing areas that have large seafood consumption therefore endangering the area to over fishing. The main sections are as follows: * The objectives of conservation and requirements for their achievement: 1. Maintenance of essential ecological processes and life-support systems. 2. Preservation of genetic diversity. 3. Sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems. * Priorities for national action: 1. A framework for national and subnational conservation strategies. . Policy making and the integration of conservation and development. 3. Environmental planning and rational use allocation. * Priorities for international action: 1. International action: law and assistance. 2. Tropical forests and drylands. 3. A global programme for the protection of genetic resource areas. Map sections: 1. Tropical forests 2. Deserts and areas subject to desertification. Importance Of Wildlife 37  Ã‚  6  StumbleUpon4 If you were of the opinion that cultivated plants and domesticated animals is what wildlife consists of, you are mistaken.Wildlife, in fact, comprises of the innumerous varieties of wild plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms that exist on our planet earth, rather than just cultivated plants and domesticated animals. Knowingly or unknowingly, we largely depend on this wildlife for every elementary requirement in our life. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the medicines we consume, a variety of building materials used for construction, numerous chemicals used for manufacturing our necessities, all are extracted from the wildlife existing around us.A study by the American Association for the Advancement of Science indicates that as many as 40,000 species of plants, animals, fungi and microscopic animals benefit us in some way or the other. To know the various benefits that this wildlife provides us, read on further. Benefits Of Wildlife Benefits To People Wildlife and nature have largely been associated with humans for numerous emotional and social reasons. A simple stroll around the park amidst some birds provides a fresh breath of life and charges our batteries. Apart from bird feeder in the backyard, we can also take up other active pastimes, such as hiking, hunting, canoeing or wildlife photographing to relieve our parched nerves. Since prehistoric times, animals have been highly useful to us in providing food, clothing and source of income. Benefits To Natural Processes Wildlife plays an essential role in the ecological and biological processes that are yet again significant to life. The normal functioning of t he biosphere depends on endless interactions amongst animals, plants, and microorganisms. This, in turn, maintains and enhances human life further.To add on, these ecological processes are vital for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and other endeavors that support human life. Besides, there are several biological processes wherein wildlife plays a key role, such as pollinization, germination, seed dispersal, soil generation, nutrient cycling, predation, habitat maintenance, waste breakdown, and pest control. Benefits to Science, Agriculture, & Medicine Studies indicate that woodpeckers are capable of destroying 90% of codling moth larvae residing under the bark of trees. This shows the significance of wildlife and wildlife habitat for preserving genetic diversity.Hence, places where agriculture, forests, and fisheries depend on crops or stocks can ensure that such living resources are enough to withstand the ever-increasing list of threats. Further, in medicine, development of new d rugs and treatments are largely dependent on wildlife and wildlife habitat. Interestingly, most pharmaceutical products are a result of discovering or developing wildlife species and not discoveries through the traditional chemistry principles. Today, most medicinal remedies contain at least one ingredient derived from a wild plant or animal.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Economics question and answer Essay

Economics: question and answer Introduction Question 1            War unrest in Middle East has negatively impacted on the price and quantity of oil in the market. The expectation of war from Syria and Iraq to spread to Middle East countries cause fear of possible shortages of supply as people may possibly do without oil. As a result people will buy more to store in preparation for future shortages. As the demand increases, price of oil goes up as people anticipate war unrest in the near future. When eventually the war sets in oil production is disrupted but people do not demand more since they had enough to cushion the scarcity (Kemp, 2013). In the graph illustration below, assuming the market was initially at the equilibrium. Since scarcity is expected in future people will by more (high demand) to spare for future. As the demand increase from 150 units to 350 units, the price also increases accordingly from $0.25 to $ 0.35. Graphical illustration 3411220146431000 Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1: when people expect civil unrest the demand is high but and the prices go up. Question 2            Car and petro are complimentary good that are consumed together. Taxation on one of the complimentary products greatly influences the price of the other good. The increase in price of one good causes a corresponding decrease in the price of the other good and vice versa. For instance, taxing petrol increase its price, leading to high demand for high fuel efficient cars. Increase in demand for high fuel efficient cars results to increased price and vice versa. On the other hand increase in price for petrol leads to decrease in demand for low fuel efficient cars thus leading to their low price (Dwivedi, 2012). Many thus will buy high fuel efficient cars Graphical illustration Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 2: price of petrol increases when tax is imposed Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 3 this graph shows increase in demand and price for high fuel efficient when the price for petrol increases due to taxation Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 4: the graph show decrease in demand for high fuel efficient cars when the price of petrol goes up Question 3            The fact that suppliers cannot sell live chicken directly to consumers coupled with the fear of mass death due to anticipated chicken flu results to high supply in the market. When supply increases beyond demand the price falls down. In addition since the health official are the only buyers a monopolistic competition comes into play since the price for chicken is not control by the market forces of demand and supply (Taylor, & Weerapana, 2012). The equilibrium the will shift to the right. Graphical illustration lefttop Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 5 : Excess supplies of chicken in the market results to low demand and eventually falls in price. The farmer expects future unfavorable condition due to outbreak of chicken flue. Question 4 Price elasticity of demand is the measure of responsive of the quantity demanded of a product to price change with other factors held ( Dwivedi, 2012). Price Elasticity of Demand (PEoD) = percentage change in quantity demanded (%ΔQ) à · percentage change in price (%ΔP) %ΔQ = 35 -50 / 50 Ãâ€"100 = -30% %ΔP = 8 -6 / 6 Ãâ€"100 = 33.33% Therefore, PEoD = -30 %/ 33.33% = -0.900            As economists we are not interested with the negative sign of our price elasticity of demand and therefore we take the absolute value. Therefore, the price elasticity of demand when price increases from $6 to $ 8 is 0.9. Interpretation.            For the above case the demand for the good is price inelastic. This means that the demand for the product does not respond highly ton price changes. As evident in the computation, an increase of price by 33.3 % of the price results to a corresponding decrease of quantity demanded by 30%. The demand thus is not very sensitive to price changes. Question 5(a)            Externality is an effect or a cost of the consumer behavior that may not be borne by the consumer but by the society. This mean s that the effects are caused by the consumer but the society bears the consequences. Tobacco smoking is among the activities that cause externalities. For instance narcotic in tobacco is believed to cause lung cancer to smokers. However the external cost of providing medical care to smokers is borne by non-smokers, by smokers and the government. Additionally environmental pollution due to smoking is borne by the family members of the smoker’s friends and even non-smokers strangers. Moreover, smoking has environmental externalities that involve deforestation to create room for tobacco growing. Agrochemical used in tobacco production also adds to environmental pollution and degradation. Cigarette wastes are common in all cities, sidewalks and around homes. Although majority of these wastes are biodegradable, the filter and plastic wr appers and remain in the environment for long and the consequences of such pollution are felt by the larger society. 5(b)            The Australian government in its attempt to control and minimize the external costs resulting from tobacco imposes high tax on tobacco. High taxation on tobacco increases the cost and as a result the demand for tobacco decreases. The tax imposed is transferred by producers to the consumers (smokers). When this happens, the demand curve will shift from right to left as indicated in the graph. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 6: (Tax increase the price for tobacco leading to low demand and eventually low consumption) Question 6            When entry barriers are eliminated in the market huge number of firms enters the industry resulting to excessive supply of commodities. In a market where entry barriers are limited the price of commodities is determined by the market forces since no firm has control over the market. Excessive supply that is created results to low prices of goods and services offered. In response the price the price goes down due to competition from other firm. As a result, the profit that firms were making initially decreases due. Graphical illustration 1627833top00 Question 7            Oligopolistic market structures is a type of market where by small number of larger firms control the market jointly. The firms trade in almost similar goods. Oligopolistic firms do not engage in price competetion (Vives, 2001).Basing our argument on the game theory; where the actions one firm depend on those of other firms, it is evident that when for instance one firm lowers its price compared to other firms, customers will be attracted by the lower prices resulting to other firms making economical loss in their operation. In response to this the other will lower their price slighted below the initial firm eventually attracting the customers. The other firms in the market will make loss and eventually respond by making their prices much lower compared to other firms. This process continues until the firms sell at economically a low price that is illustrated by kinked curves (Vives, 2001).There to remain competitive and make profit do not engage in price competiti on. Alternatives to price completion            Oligopolistic firms compete by using alternative modes such as advertisement, product differentiation and barrier to entry in the market. Oligopolistic firms undertake a vigorous advertisement of their products both in national and international levels. Advertisement is made to make potential customers aware of the existence of the product in the market and the good qualities associated with such good and services (Taylor & Weerapana, 2012). Advertisement is carried out through mass media and product promotion. In addition oligopolistic firms constantly differentiate their products in terms of quality and always struggle to come up with new products design that outshine those of competitors. In the recent era product differentiation has been enhanced by ever growing technology and innovation. Since oligopolistic firms compete in almost similar goods and services coming up with new products with good qualities gives a firm advantage over its market rivals. For insta nce phones manufacturing firms have constantly developed phone with new applications to remain competitive.            Furthermore, the firms create market entry barriers to new firms, a strategy that ensures that the existing share of market. The common market barriers include the patent rights, important government franchises and the existing economies of scale. These barriers ensure that the market is not flooded by many firms that in the long run may reduce the existing firms’ share of the market control. References Dwivedi, D. N. (2012). Microeconomics. New Delhi, India: Pearson Education/Dorling Kindersley. Kemp, G. (2013). War with Iran: Political, military, and economic consequences. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Taylor, J. B., & Weerapana, A. (2012). Principles of microeconomics. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning Vives, X. (2001). Oligopoly pricing: Old ideas and new tools. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press Source document